#MVD can be challenging to diagnose because many signs & symptoms are similar to other #InfectiousDiseases or #ViralHemorrhagicFevers. Today on the #NETEC blog, we get back to the basics of how #Marburg virus spreads and the signs and symptoms of MVD: http://ow.ly/UPVM50N6l3h https://twitter.com/CIDRAP/status/1630644550078218241
#mvd #infectiousdiseases #viralhemorrhagicfevers #NETEC #marburg
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Health professionals rely on personal protective equipment (PPE) for protection from pathogens. Failure in a layer can put them at risk for developing disease. Facilities can follow NETEC's guidelines for developing a policy to prevent and respond to a PPE breach. Learn more: http://ow.ly/Ve2J50LtGtb
#NETEC #NSPS #EmergingSpecialPathogens #InfectiousDiseases #SpecialPathogens #HealthCare #HealthCareWorkers #PPE #InfectionPrevention
#NETEC #NSPS #EmergingSpecialPathogens #infectiousdiseases #SpecialPathogens #healthcare #HealthCareWorkers #PPE #InfectionPrevention