O GOD, who in the foreknowledge of thy Son's most precious death didst consecrate for him a dwelling-place by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: mercifully grant that she who was preserved from all defilement, may evermore pray for us, until we attain unto thee in purity of heart; through the same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, etc.
#ImmaculateConception #Catholic #Ordinariate #VirginMary #NewEve
#NEWEVE #virginmary #ordinariate #catholic #immaculateconception
O GOD, who in the foreknowledge of thy Son's most precious death didst consecrate for him a dwelling-place by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: mercifully grant that she who was preserved from all defilement, may evermore pray for us, until we attain unto thee in purity of heart; through the same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, etc.
#ImmaculateConception #Catholic #Ordinariate #VirginMary #NewEve
#NEWEVE #virginmary #ordinariate #catholic #immaculateconception