Plexamp now has EQ presets for 3000+ headphones - seems to work really well for me.
The latest release also includes 'NFC tags for instant playback or browsing to an artist, track or more'.
I'm curious about using this functionality. Does anybody have any creative/fun ideas (not necessarily practical) on how this could be used?
#PlexPass #Plex #PlexAmp #Eq #Bose #Headphones #Headless #RaspberryPi #NFC #NfcTag #Automation #NodeRed #HomeAutomation #HASS
#plexpass #plex #PlexAmp #eq #bose #headphones #headless #raspberrypi #nfc #NFCtag #automation #nodered #homeautomation #hass
Air Filter DRM? Hacker Opts Out With NFC Sticker
#ReverseEngineering #reverseengineering #airpurifier #homehacks #airfilter #NFCtag #xiaomi #NFC
#reverseengineering #airpurifier #homehacks #airfilter #NFCtag #xiaomi #NFC
Cracking the MiFare Classic Could Get You Free Snacks
#vendingmachine #mifareclassic #MiscHacks #mifare #NFCtag #NFC
#vendingmachine #mifareclassic #MiscHacks #mifare #NFCtag #NFC