@Datendealerin @researchdatamanagement
Nice idea! Trying this out by also creating @nfdi
Perhaps this will lead to an #NFDI mastodon server in the fullness of time! 😀
#NFDIMastodon #NFDIrocks #nfdi
👋 #Introduction for #ScienceMastodon (#FOSSMastodon #NFDIMastodon ...)
By trade, I'm a #RSEng who has (since 2002) helped to build #OSS infrastructure for #RDM in #bioimaging...
(i.e. how do you open & store your🔬 images?)
That's led to my being a maintainer both for github.com/ome as well as github.com/zarr-developers.
More recently, I've become the TA1 lead for nfdi4bioimage.de building 🇩🇪 national infra within #NFDI, and am keen to find ways to commonly capture our data (eg #Zarr #RDF)
#rdf #Zarr #nfdi #bioimaging #rdm #oss #rseng #NFDIMastodon #FOSSMastodon #ScienceMastodon #introduction