The #retirement, all over again. Is this a #wrap? Will he come back #home, one last time for one last #ring? Will another #NFLTeam or a #NFLCoach entice him #OneMoreTime? Let's see.
Well, at the least, I am glad he didn't make a big #fiasco like #LebronJames... π.
You will be #remembered as one of the, if not THE, #greatest #NFL players the game has seen. Thank you for everything, #TomBrady.
#Patriots #NewEnglandPatriots #LetsGoPats #DoYourJob #Buccaneers
#Buccaneers #doyourjob #letsgopats #newenglandpatriots #patriots #tombrady #nfl #greatest #remembered #lebronjames #fiasco #onemoretime #nflcoach #NFLTeam #ring #home #wrap #retirement