Or rather, .

And yes, its a very bad thing.


Last updated 3 years ago

The give attention to , because its not only a useful tool for , but it aligns with their goal to strip govt of all and .

It starts with small things to gain momentum and legitimacy (and sadly it is, with every myopic story that passes, the are conditioned to accept it.

If you believe in , or any really, fight like the plague.


#corporatemedia #nft #moneylaundering #land #resourcemanagement #nextgeneration #democracy #thecommons #publicgood #corporateState #NFTOwningDemocracy

Last updated 3 years ago

Q: What would support today to continue the ?

A: An

You know where this ultimately goes if left unchecked, and linked to a CentralBankDigitalCurrency (). It means on a blockchain and close to the moneyPrinting being able to print themselves into *that can never be challenged by any government*.

Yes, it's very dangerous and we need to ensure NFT never gain above .

#margaretthatcher #neoliberalOrder #NFTOwningDemocracy #cbdc #LandTitles #cronyists #landOwnership #legitimacy #hardCurrency

Last updated 3 years ago