🇳🇫 #TAIWAN: ❝#NHRI team makes #cancer breakthrough❞
The founding of a Swiss national human rights institution (#NHRI) today is a welcome addition to the institutional framework for the protection of #HumanRights in #Switzerland. It is crucial that the authorities provide it with sufficient resources to carry out its mandate.
#switzerland #HumanRights #NHRI
La création de l’Institution suisse des droits humains aujourd'hui est un ajout bienvenu au cadre institutionnel pour la protection des droits humains en #Suisse. Il est crucial que les autorités lui fournissent des ressources suffisantes pour mener à bien son mandat. #NHRI #droitshumains
RT @mia_se@twitter.com
Transposition of European #AccessibilityAct #EAA seems to be going quickly in Germany. https://www.bundestag.de/ausschuesse/a11#url=L2F1c3NjaHVlc3NlL2ExMS9BbmhvZXJ1bmdlbi84MjgxOTYtODI4MTk2&mod=mod538356
With a lot discussion, seems very different from Sweden. The position from the German #NHRI https://www.institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de/publikationen/detail/zum-gesetzesentwurf-zur-umsetzung-des-bundesministeriums-fuer-arbeit-und-soziales-zur-umsetzung-der-richtlinie-eu-2019882-ueber-die-barrierefreiheitsanforderungen-fuer-produkte-und-dienstleistungen-european-accessibility-act