JWST Scans an Ultra-Hot Jupiter’s Atmosphere https://www.universetoday.com/161719/jwst-scans-an-ultra-hot-jupiters-atmosphere/ #exoplanetatmospheres #ultra-hotjupiters #atmosphere #exoplanets #astronomy #wasp-18b #heatmap #niriss #heat #jwst
#exoplanetatmospheres #ultra #atmosphere #exoplanets #astronomy #wasp #heatmap #NIRISS #heat #jwst
#NIRISS torna a funzionare, il telescopio spaziale James Webb cattura l'immagine di LEDA 2046648 https://www.hwupgrade.it/news/scienza-tecnologia/niriss-torna-a-funzionare-il-telescopio-spaziale-james-webb-cattura-l-immagine-di-leda-2046648_113803.html
The #JWST instrument #NIRISS has returned to science operations - it was recovered on January 27, and following a successful test observation, the instrument resumed normal science observations on January 30: https://www.stsci.edu/contents/news/jwst/2023/niriss-has-returned-to-science-operations
Guasto per lo strumento #NIRISS del telescopio spaziale #JamesWebb https://www.hwupgrade.it/news/scienza-tecnologia/guasto-per-lo-strumento-niriss-del-telescopio-spaziale-james-webb_113624.html 🥲
1️⃣ 2️⃣ The series of #Nature papers also reports the same transmission spectrum with 2 other instruments on board #JWST: #NIRISS in the paper led by @afeinstein20 et al. and #NIRCam in the paper led by @eahrer et al.
The spectra revealed again a lot of features with a higher resolution than #NIRSpec / PRISM.
What is (really) super impressive is the fact the 3 instruments / 4 modes give nearly the same signal, with basically no systematic at all.
#nature #jwst #NIRISS #NIRCam #nirspec #astronomy #exoplanet
4️⃣ We knew that its #atmosphere was revealing water (H2O), carbon dioxyde (CO2) as well as sodium (Na) and potassium (K). It was therefore a very good target to #test the instrumental capabilities of #JWST in the near infrared (#NIR).
The objective of the team was therefore to observe that unique object with all instrumental modes of #JWST in the #NIR, to learn about the instrument and understand its limitations (if any). They used #NIRSpec (in 2 different modes), #NIRCAM, and #NIRISS.
#atmosphere #Test #jwst #nir #nirspec #NIRCam #NIRISS