Getting in that #SpecialSauce at #NASAJPL today. Peering down into the clean rooms at the Spacecraft Assembly Facility looking at #NISAR and #EuropaClipper as well as visiting my ‘old friend’ the hand-color first image of Mars from Mariner 4.
#specialsauce #nasajpl #NISAR #europaclipper
This year, I've also gotten into #SyntheticApertureRadar (#SAR) 🛰️ satellites like #Sentinel-1, especially good to learn since #NISAR is launching soon! #SAR data is complex, but it allows you to see through 🌨️ clouds and polar nights 🌑 . Do checkout's recent #xarray 👩🏫 tutorial at which shows an #RTC time-series analysis workflow!
#syntheticapertureradar #sar #Sentinel #NISAR #xarray #rtc