Vite brevi ed esemplari delle spie / 1 #LavrentijPavlovičBerija #progettoManhattan #AgnesSmedley #DiegoGabutti #RichardSorge #SunChingling #AltroQuando #LungaMarcia #KlausFuchs #Comintern #Hiroshima #MaoZedong #Cremlino #Nagasaki #Stalin #Cina #NKVD
#LavrentijPavlovičBerija #ProgettoManhattan #AgnesSmedley #diegogabutti #RichardSorge #SunChingling #AltroQuando #lungamarcia #KlausFuchs #comintern #hiroshima #maozedong #cremlino #nagasaki #stalin #cina #NKVD
On the 15th of January 1938, exactly 84 years ago NKVD shot Bronislava Sokolovskaya. She was shot in Leningrad, one of over 100 thousand Soviet Poles murdered as part of genocidal Soviet campaign. For the crime of having the wrong ethnicity. #SocialistSunday #Genocide #NKVD #USSR #Poland
#socialistsunday #genocide #NKVD #ussr #poland
Book Review – Potsdam #berlin #bookreview #daviddowning #nkvd #potsdamstation #redarmy #soviet #stationseries
#stationseries #soviet #redarmy #potsdamstation #NKVD #daviddowning #bookreview #berlin
RT @ipngovpl_eng: #OTD in 🗓1945 in #Moscow, a staged #TrialOfSixteen began. The defendants, 16 leaders of #ThePolishUndergroundState, had been kidnapped by the #NKVD, tortured, and falsely charged with sabotage against the #RedArmy and collaboration with the #Germans during #WW2.
#OTD #Moscow #TrialOfSixteen #ThePolishUndergroundState #NKVD #redarmy #Germans #WW2
RT @ipngovpl_eng: #SovietCrimes, committed by the #NKVD on Polish elites, were not limited to #Katyn-style "shot in the back of the head”. Sometimes death came slowly, after months of suffering in #NKVD prison. That was the case of Gen. Mariusz #Zaruski, who died #OTD🗓 in 1941. #WW2.
#Sovietcrimes #NKVD #Katyn #Zaruski #OTD #WW2
Il tempo del disincanto #controrivoluzionestaliniana #Brigateinternazionali #Opposizionedisinistra #DavidAlfaroSiqueiros #guerracivilespagnola #SinistraComunista #comandanteCarlos #GrazianoGiusti #NatalijaSedova #paginemarxiste #SandroSaggioro #VittorioVidali #JohnDosPassos #RamónMercader #totalitarismi #PabloNeruda #Recensioni #LevTrockij #LevTrotsky #stalinismo #Coyoacán #NKVD #URSS
#controrivoluzionestaliniana #Brigateinternazionali #Opposizionedisinistra #DavidAlfaroSiqueiros #guerracivilespagnola #SinistraComunista #comandanteCarlos #GrazianoGiusti #NatalijaSedova #paginemarxiste #SandroSaggioro #VittorioVidali #JohnDosPassos #RamónMercader #totalitarismi #pabloneruda #recensioni #LevTrockij #LevTrotsky #stalinismo #Coyoacán #NKVD #urss