Our latest podcast is getting great feedback (from my family!)
My dad, Peter Tangey, joined us to hear about Chorkles' testimony to the Victorian Royal Commission into Communism.
We also discuss some family drama when Dad tells the story of some ALP-DLP split induced biffo at his house.
#NotAllBoomers #DLP #ALPSplit #TheSplit #ALPHistory #AustralianLaborParty #HistoryPodcast #Communism #UniversityofMelbourne #AustralianHistory #Trove #NLA #DemocraticLaborParty
#notallboomers #dlp #alpsplit #thesplit #alphistory #australianlaborparty #historypodcast #communism #universityofmelbourne #australianhistory #trove #NLA #democraticlaborparty
Great news about Trove this morning!
Describing Trove as an "essential government service" there will be an extra $33 million of funding and then $9.2 million annually (indexed to inflation) after that.
This means the NLA will be able to plan properly for Trove and focus on core business rather than constantly needing to advocate for the next round of funding.
#Trove #NationalLibraryAustralia #NLA
#trove #nationallibraryaustralia #NLA
Are you concerned about sustainable funding for #Trove? We’ve (ALIA) collated some talking points should you feel inclined to express yourself in a letter - please share https://www.alia.org.au/Web/News/Articles/2022/December-2022/Secure_support_needed_for_Australia's_cultural_infrastructure.aspx #Trove #Libraries #NLA #GLAM #GLAMR #DigitalHumanies #LIS #library #Reading #History
#Trove #libraries #NLA #glam #glamr #DigitalHumanies #lis #library #reading #history
If you are interested in #Trove future - the #NLA Director General is coming up this half hour on Radio National #AusPol #Libraries
#Trove #NLA #auspol #libraries
Great article on finding recipes (for cooks or giggles) in Trove.
From the timeless to the tasteless, none will be forgotten thanks to this fantastic digital repository.
#Trove #DigitalRepository #OldRecipes #CookBooks #NationalLibraryOfAustralia #NLA
#trove #digitalrepository #oldrecipes #cookbooks #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA
Loved recording this with my dad. We talked about Pen Hall, a kind lady he did jobs for as a kid. I found lots of articles about her because she lived a wealthy and glamorous life in Brisbane.
She then retired to the country and lived a completely different life.
I also also got an episode idea for the best named person ever:
Chorkles Nellie Louise Kasner-Moss
#Trove #NLA #HistoryPodcast #OralHistory #NLA #SLV #LGTQIHistory #AustralianHistory
#trove #NLA #historypodcast #oralhistory #SLV #lgtqihistory #australianhistory
A new episode of In Those Days is out today (after a break of over a year, whoops).
Christina Adams and I are joined by husband of the pod, Lincoln Turner. We discuss Lincoln's grandfather's letters to the editor, published in the Canberra Times in the '60s and '70s and digitised in #Trove.
Was really fun talking about Major Eugene Milton Sanchez who was a big character who had big adventures.
It was also great to record in State Library Victoria's podcast studio - it's so nice in there and it's free! Almost don't want to tell people about it, because everyone will be there.
#SouthAmerica #TrainJourney #Neurodiversity #Autism #AustralianRepublic #CanberraTimes #AusPol #WhitlamDismissal #SLV #StateLibraryVictoria #HistoryPodcasts #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA
#Trove #southamerica #trainjourney #neurodiversity #autism #AustralianRepublic #CanberraTimes #auspol #WhitlamDismissal #SLV #StateLibraryVictoria #HistoryPodcasts #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA
#Introduction. I write books for young people - published by University of Queensland Press.
I've just finished a qualification in Information Management and would like to work in a public library. I love the National Library of Australia's digital archive Trove and have a podcast called In Those Days discussing newspaper articles that have a personal connection to a guest.
I try to mention the climate crisis a fair bit on social media. I'm particularly interested in the extent of fossil fuel sponsorships in Australia and how these extend social license.
I support campaigns to end native forest logging in Victoria.
I often analyse people through the prism of what netball position they play, or which BSC member they are most like. If I'm honest, I am a WD and a Mallory.
#ClimateAction #MiddleGrade #KidLit #AusLit #FossilAdBan #FossilFuelSponsorship #NativeForestLogging #VicForests #VictorianForests #Trove #GreaterGliders #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA #BSC #Netball
#Introduction #ClimateAction #middlegrade #kidlit #auslit #fossiladban #FossilFuelSponsorship #NativeForestLogging #VicForests #VictorianForests #Trove #GreaterGliders #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA #bsc #Netball