making #moggie, Part 1: A Read-Only Mail Client
I did it! I finished a milestone!
Now I gotta tell #NLNet to send me some money, and get started on the next one...
I just published a new blog post on the #Mailpile website, discussing the grant we are getting from #NLNet and what we are going to do with the money:
The tl;dr is that we are bringing #moggie from "a thing Bjarni hacks on as often as he can", to "a new terminal mode e-mail client which people should be able to use."
I'm pretty excited about this!
I wrote a long e-mail to #NLNet yesterday, answering questions they have about my #moggie / #mailpile v2 development plans.
How did I come up with X months? It's just how much time I have available! Do I have a roadmap? Not really, but it's in my head? Do I plan collaboration with other projects? Not just yet, I'm being introverted and stealthy still?
Not sure it's what they wanted to hear, but honesty is the only policy. I gave lots of details.
But maybe I *should* publish a better roadmap?
Yes, at least on the Prosody blog, soon. My side of the work on this is part of a grant from #NLnet, and they encourage regular public updates 🙂
@daniel @prosodyim