‼️🔛@robbie@devs.live‼️ · @Alamantus
715 followers · 7362 posts · Server cybre.space

Hello Fediverse! I'm planning to start a (probably) weekly event for my partner (and anyone who wants to join in) to help break up the monotony that I'm calling where I'll specify a song, album, or artist that you should use as a reference to recommend similar songs, albums, or artists that might be less known (plus where/how to listen to them)!

I'll be using the hashtag on posts where I request of a certain type, and if you reply to that thread, I'll compile a new post with the hashtag a day or so later that has some of the recommendations along with a link to the original thread in case I missed any!

Follow the and hashtags if you listen to a lot of music, want to get music recommendations, or even (and especially) if you make your own music!

Please this as many people can participate as possible, and let's have some fun listening to new music! 😄

#boost #music #NMDRecs #NewMusicDay

Last updated 4 years ago