@zkat Essentially it's an opt-in tax; you pick your network (say, #NoBAWC or #USFWC); they use the funds to organize and fund worker-and-community owned small businesses that pay a living wage.
You also get democratic control over the distribution-across-industry for where taxes go. Say:
- 15% to arts and entertainment
- 15% to the outdoors, sports and activities
- 15% to housing,
- 20% to food
- 15% to human-logistics
- 5% to digital-logistics,
- 15% to goods-logistics
@dylanmorgan @Radical_EgoCom
See also #NoBAWC, here in the SF Bay area:
@Disputatore @flawed @zakalwe @Radical_EgoCom
#LibertarianSocialism, i.e., the worker self-owned, worker self-managed, workplace concept doesn't just function at the level of individual instances, it also scales up. See: #NoBAWC, #Mondragon, etc.
#libertariansocialism #NOBAWC #mondragon
@scottjenson @ben oh hey that’s what we’ve been doing at #ZincCoop !
We host regular colearning sessions where we work towards the goals our friends in #NoBAWC tell us they’re struggling to solve.
We don’t have much of a HCI practice yet but it would be lovely!
Let's not forget those who helped pave the way:
April 10, 1997: Exotic dancers at San Francisco’s Lusty Lady, ratified their first-ever union contract. Thus they became the first successfully unionized sex business. (Pacers, in San Diego, had unionized a few years earlier. However, they had an open shop, allowing management to recruit new, non-union employees. Consequently, they were able to decertify the union.) Lusty Lady later became a worker-owned cooperative and a member of NoBAWC (the network of Bay Area Workers Collectives).
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #SexWork #WorkerCollective #union #NOBAWC #LustyLady
#workingclass #LaborHistory #sexwork #workercollective #union #NOBAWC #lustylady
Today in Labor History April 10, 1997: Exotic dancers at San Francisco’s Lusty Lady, ratified their first-ever union contract. Thus they became the first successfully unionized sex business. (Pacers, in San Diego, had unionized a few years earlier. However, they had an open shop, allowing management to recruit new, non-union employees. Consequently, they were able to decertify the union.) Lusty Lady later became a worker-owned cooperative and a member of NoBAWC (the network of Bay Area Workers Collectives).
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #SexWork #WorkerCollective #union #NOBAWC #LustyLady
#workingclass #LaborHistory #sexwork #workercollective #union #NOBAWC #lustylady
@bhaugen I would check out what #CooperationRichmond, #EBPREC, #NoBAWC, #EastOaklandCollective, #PeoplesPrograms and #RepairedNations are up to before me; since they're far more active in liberating land and generating local cooperatives.
My emphasis on software cooperatives means it takes longer to make a real impact; but the latest #Convene demo shows where we are with our local partner #Piikup!
#EastOaklandCollective #peoplesprograms #cooperationrichmond #ebprec #NOBAWC #RepairedNations #Convene #Piikup
But that means #ZincCoop is in a kind of weird spot. I don't want to charge the lovely folks at #NOBAWC or #USFWC to subsidize my time; since I don't have more availability anyway; but I would *love* for networks such as these to have their internal IT Directors acting a liaison for the national/multi-national collection of #CoOpSource co-conspirators, contributors, and maintainers
#zinccoop #NOBAWC #usfwc #CoopSource
@smallcircles @the_Effekt @LibertyForward1
Yep, that's the point of Convene.
Build it with #Convene, it will run on any of the regional data cooperatives. Convene instances play well with each other, so if you're an artist and you list a product for sale in the #NoBAWC Neighborhood; you can also cross-publish it to the #USFWC Neighborhood and the #ArtisansCoop Neighborhood.
#Convene #NOBAWC #usfwc #ArtisansCoop
This is clearly visible in the #DualPower efforts of the #BlackSocialists who have built the #Cooperation network around the nation from #CooperationJackson to #CooperationRichmond to #NoBAWC and beyond; Black and Indigenous communities have demonstrated a restorative pathway to economic peace with ourselves, our community, and our planet.
There is a beautiful #SolarPunk future unfolding.
We reach it through cooperating to dismantle imperial, patriarchal, heteronormative white supremacy.
#solarpunk #NOBAWC #cooperationrichmond #cooperationjackson #cooperation #BlackSocialists #dualpower
Thank you to everyone who sponsored!
Wealth: redistributed!
None are free until all are free!
#coops #coop #cooperative #cooperatives #NOBAWC
Ideally, affiliated spaces could offer their own spin on the menu.
For example, there is a #NoBAWC Member Discount for #Arizmendi pizza!
Members placing orders through the NoBAWC space could have that discount automatically applied.
Imagine what the digital age could be if we worked together to meet the needs of our neighbors in a way that feeds us all, rather than merely building wealth for the few.
#solidarityeconomy #mutualaid #mutualbenefit #cooperative #arizmendi #NOBAWC
I'm really hoping that we can figure out a way to make the #Convene Marketplace furniture federated.
For exampke, a restaurant using Convene for taking orders can also list thei menu through affiliated spaces.
A real life example could be #Arizmendi Lakeshore sells pizza on their own Space, the #NoBAWC Space and the #Piikup Space.
Arizmendi Lakeshore manages their menu and inventory via their Space and fans out regardess of which Neighborhood is hosting the #Piikup or #NoBAWC Spaces.
#Piikup #NOBAWC #arizmendi #Convene
@bhaugen TBH, I wish more of the ecosystem stepped back from technocratic thinking; and focused on building the things that folks like the @BlackSocialists , #NoBAWC, #USFWC, and other cooperative organizations needed.
What I wouldn't give for even 5 "Client Owners" who were worker-coops internal IT-ish person who would just tell me where they're hurting so I can fix it.
Lovely #NoBAWC meetup tonight! Was a bit overwhelming with all the humans but everyone was masking when indoors.