RT UN Institute for Disarmament Research
Missed the #MiddleEast #WMDFZ Project’s side event during the #NPT PrepCom, on “Perspectives on the Middle East WMD-Free Zone”? 🌍🤔
Not to worry! The recording is now available here 👉 http://unidir.org/Zone-NPTPrepCom
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UNIDIR/status/1688521422409261056
@chowderman @amayer @buermoy even IF we believe that to be the case (Why would anyone make assurances without following through?) that's still a cowardly way to weasel out of one's word.
#Russia can be glad if #Ukraine doesn't want to quit the #NPT and instead arm up...
It's not as if Russia wan't a signatory party either, so I don't blame a Post-War Ukraine if they want nuclear deterrence, since #Putin made it clear that this seems justifyable as #deterrence against an #invasion.
#Invasion #deterrence #Putin #NPT #Ukraine #Russia
At start of new review cycle, EU stresses the importance of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (#NPT), esp. in view of the current security environment marked by Russia’s war of aggression against #Ukraine and serious proliferation crises & challenges
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Marjolijn van Deelen: The 🇪🇺EU is proud of the #NPT's contribution to peace and security. In this new review cycle, we want to strengthen its role as the cornerstone of the global non-proliferation architecture.
Check out the EU's dedicated website 👉 https://europa.eu/!KQGYkR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1685983965025325056
RT Marjolijn van Deelen
Congratulations @JarmoViinanen of 🇫🇮 Finland for a successful start of the #NPT PrepCom. You have the full support of the 🇪🇺EU. We very much appreciate your inclusive and transparent approach.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MJvanDeelenEU/status/1686111901481070592
EU MS remain committed to pursuit of nuclear disarmament & full implementation of #NPT Art VI, with ultimate goal of total elimination of nuclear weapons. EU calls on Russia to respect Budapest Memorandum commitments & return to compliance with New START
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1686771238033604609
Check out the EU statement on nuclear non-proliferation issues as delivered at the #NPT meeting in Vienna today
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1687474630112473093
RT European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺
🌍 "Proud of #NPT's role in peace & security" says 🇪🇺 Special Envoy @MJvanDeelenEU. Join us and shed light on the NPT's vital role in nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Let's unite for a safer future!
📽️Check out our video
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_eeas/status/1685915957485621249
EU calls on all States to conclude a comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with @iaeaorg & the Additional Protocol thereto. They are indispensable to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons & constitute the current verification standard under the #NPT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1666099879649705984
RT @nuclearban: At today's Tokyo session of the G7 Parliamentarian Forum for the Elimination, MPs exchanged views on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in the current international security situation, the #NPT and #TPNW, and the role G7 countries should play eliminating nuclear weapons. https://t.co/xB9nMqOUer
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MounirSatouri/status/1651942946005045250
EU Statement at #IAEA Board of Governors on the #NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of #Iran (6-10 March 2023) 👉https://europa.eu/!tj9f8P
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1633496156880732162
Thank you @USNPT for the enriching discussion on the Non-Proliferation Treaty #NPT. In these challenging times, we need to double our efforts and work together to uphold this crucial international instrument. #MultilateralismMatters #NPTPrepCom
RT @USNPT: Thank you to @EU_UNGeneva for bringing everyone together while I was in town, and for a great conversation on the #NPT and #NPTPrepCom! @USAmbCD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1633465395624677376
#NPT #MultilateralismMatters #NPTPrepCom
New piece by @johncarlbaker.twitter.com for USIP about how the US can develop a realistic North Korea policy that threads the needle between arms control and disarmament
#armscontrol #disarmament #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #USForeignPolicy #USMilitary #deterrence #NPT #BidenForeignPolicy
#armscontrol #disarmament #northkorea #southkorea #usforeignpolicy #usmilitary #deterrence #NPT #bidenforeignpolicy
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: #EU is deeply concerned about the presence of uranium particles at 3 undeclared locations in #Iran. EU calls on Iran to engage immediately with @iaeaorg to clarify & resolve all outstanding #NPT safeguards issues.
EU Statement delivered at #IAEA BoG👉https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/vienna-international-organisations/eu-statement-iaea-board-governors-agenda-item-8c-npt_en
Very disappointed that Russia blocked consensus at #NPTRevcon. 🇩🇰 Will continue to work with allies and partners to realize the aims of the Treaty. As I said at the conference: #NPT will remain a fundamental and irreplaceable cornerstone of international rules-based order #dkpol
RT @JeppeKofod: The current security situation means that the road to a world without nuclear weapons is too long. The best way to shorten that road is to r…
ボレル #EU 上級代表は29日声明を発表し、#ロシア が合意形成に参加しなかったために核兵器不拡散条約(#NPT)再検討会議で実質的な成果が得られなかったことに深い遺憾の意を表明した #EUinJapan
👉 https://euin.jp/20220830a
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty #NPT: Statement by the High Representative @JosepBorrellF on the occasion of the closure of the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties
ロシアの反対で核拡散防止条約(#NPT)再検討会議が決裂に終わったことを受け、ファン・ディーレン #EU 核不拡散・核軍縮担当特使は、「非常に悲しい」事態であると述べ、同条約は今なお核不拡散体制の礎であり、EUは引き続き他の関係国との協力に最大限取り組むとした
RT @MJvanDeelenEU: It is very sad that Russia blocked consensus at the #NPTRevCon.
In the past 4 weeks, we reviewed implementation of the NPT and many ideas to move forward were discussed. The 35-page draft document was not perfect for anyone, but that is how compromise works.
RT @Amb_Klement_EU: EU remains committed to #NPT & its 3 pillars: nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful uses