I just spend a few hours this weekend in the back yard on a rope practicing changeovers.
After reading a number of #NSS caving accident reports I realized that it's a skill more vertical cavers need to have as second nature. Even if they are just "bouncing" a pit.
I'm using a frog system.
I was using a micro rack for the first time. I love it. While my large rack works fine it's a bit overkill for mid-western caves.
#caving #microrack #ropework #srt #NSS
Congratulations Dimitrios and good luck to all your students
RT @DimitriosGian: With only hours to go until our inaugural LLB Law students at @GoldsmithsUoL graduate, I am thrilled to announce that their @nss_ipsos results are out, and we're BEST IN THE UK (and top 3-7 in the UK) for learning, teaching and the student experience!
#NSS #goldsmiths #LLB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/maryhoneyball/status/1551870661806653440
DEA Investigating Breach of Law Enforcement Data Portal https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/05/dea-investigating-breach-of-law-enforcement-data-portal/ #LawEnforcementInquiryandAlerts #DrugEnforcementAdministration #U.S.DrugEnforcementAgency #ElPasoIntelligenceCenter #NationalSeizureSystem #emergencydatarequest #DepartmentofJustice #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #ALittleSunshine #DomainBlockList #TheComingStorm #NicholasWeaver #esp.usdoj.gov #DataBreaches #spamhaus #LAPSUS$ #Doxbin #EPIC #ICSI #LEIA #fbi #NSS
#lawenforcementinquiryandalerts #drugenforcementadministration #U #elpasointelligencecenter #nationalseizuresystem #emergencydatarequest #departmentofjustice #ne #ALittleSunshine #domainblocklist #TheComingStorm #NicholasWeaver #esp #DataBreaches #spamhaus #lapsus #Doxbin #epic #ICSI #leia #fbi #NSS
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