NTT Scientists Report First Practical Application of Cyber-CIM #Research #cyber_coherent_Ising_machine #cyberCIM #Inc #NTT #NTT_Research #quantuminspired_algorithm #Tokyo_Institute_of_Technology #Tokyo_Tech #quantumdaily Insider Brief Tokyo Institute of Technology and NTT Research scientists have successfully developed compressed sensing as a an application for cyber coherent Ising machine, or cyber-CIM. This is the the first known practical application
#Research #cyber_coherent_Ising_machine #cyberCIM #Inc #NTT #NTT_Research #quantuminspired_algorithm #Tokyo_Institute_of_Technology #Tokyo_Tech #quantumdaily
Professor Brent Waters Interviewed on Post Quantum Cryptography @ NTT Research #Insights #attributebased_encryption #Brent_Waters #cybersecurity #functional_encryption #homomorphic_encryption #Kazuhiro_Gomi #NTT_Research #postquantum_cryptography #quantum_computing #research #quantumdaily Post-quantum Cryptography In this fast-moving sector we are all involved in, it’s always interesting to get the perspectives from experts in the space, both in research
#Insights #attributebased_encryption #Brent_Waters #cybersecurity #functional_encryption #homomorphic_encryption #Kazuhiro_Gomi #NTT_Research #postquantum_cryptography #quantum_computing #Research #quantumdaily