New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Near-extremal limits of warped black holes
Ankit Aggarwal, Alejandra Castro, Stéphane Detournay, Beatrix Mühlmann
SciPost Phys. 15, 083 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #uva #ULB #universityofcambridge #mcgilluniversity #FNRS #NSERC_CRSNG #NWO #STFC #SimonsFoundation #Solvay
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Impurity Knight shift in quantum dot Josephson junctions
Luka Pavešić, Marta Pita Vidal, Arno Bargerbos, Rok Žitko
SciPost Phys. 15, 070 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UL #IJS #tudelft #ARRS #microsoft #MinisterievanEconomischeZaken #NWO #TopconsortiumvoorKennisenInnovatie
Die Angestellten der #BRDGmbH haben nichts zu verlangen. Wo kommen wir denn da hin? Wir sind schließlich die #NWO, und kein Karnevalsverein.
So I started the week filling in a Data Management Plan from #NWO and it struck me that they don't make a clear distinction between research data and other (personal) data collected by the project. This means that if you only have the latter, you have no idea which questions apply to your data. I really had to stop myself from rewording the introduction and the questions to make the form more clear and straightforward to fill in 😉. @OpenScienceNL Maybe nudge NWO towards a revamp?
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Quantum chaos in 2D gravity
Alexander Altland, Boris Post, Julian Sonner, Jeremy van der Heijden, Erik Verlinde
SciPost Phys. 15, 064 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UoC #uva #UNIGE #dfg #FP7 #ec #NWO #SNF
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Near-extremal limits of warped CFTs
Ankit Aggarwal, Alejandra Castro, Stéphane Detournay, Beatrix Mühlmann
SciPost Phys. 15, 056 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #uva #ULB #DeltaITP #universityofcambridge #mcgilluniversity #FNRS #NSERC #NWO #STFC #SimonsFoundation
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Late-time correlators and complex geodesics in de Sitter space
Lars Aalsma, Mir Mehedi Faruk, Jan Pieter van der Schaar, Manus Visser, Job de Witte
SciPost Phys. 15, 031 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #asu #IoP #mcgilluniversity #DeltaITP #universityofcambridge #Heising #OCW #NWO #SNF
The second package of the #NWO #OpenScienceFund 2023 is open for applications with a deadline on 26 September:
We have been receiving questions about this, so I just wanted to say it here for anyone who is interested to apply. #openscience
#NWO #OpenScienceFund #openscience
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Bloch-Lorentz magnetoresistance oscillations in delafossites
Kostas Vilkelis, Lin Wang, Anton Akhmerov
SciPost Phys. 15, 019 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #tudelft #Horizon2020 #ec #NWO
Wonderful to see that a few of the proposal recently awarded an #NWO #OpenScienceFund grant are now openly available via @ResearchEquals. Thank you @chartgerink for letting me know. #openscience #opengrants
#NWO #OpenScienceFund #openscience #opengrants
Excited to announce 30 new funded projects from the #NWO #openScienceFund
In the #NWO ‘Granted!’ column
@vuamsterdam's Prof Hans Berends recalls the moment he received a 50,000 euro grant from the #OpenScienceFund to work with his team on the reuse of qualitative data in the CaRe & DaRe project. #openscience
#NWO #OpenScienceFund #openscience
"Een derde van promovendi en postdocs heeft te kampen met psychische problemen zoals burn-out, depressie of angst!"
Vier tips van @PromovendiNetwerkNL #NWO en PostdocNL op het gebied van:
1. Begeleiding
2. Beoordeling en functie-eisen
3. Financiering en loopbaanperspectieven
4. Het bieden van (toegang tot) hulp
#NWO #academicchatter #PhDs #Postdocs
Honoured to be chosen as runner up for the Gratama Science Prize 2023 for my research on Protecting Democracy in Europe.
Congratulations to the winner Linda Geven and co-runner up Dorine Schellens. Check out their inspiring work!
And 🙏 to the #NWO for supporting my research.
Aber natürlich. Ihr kennt ja sicher noch den alten #NWO Werbespruch:
"In Essen sprüht der Radomir.
Barium dort, Aluminium hier.
Denn der heil'ge #Sprüh von #Gottesland,
kommt direkt aus Fachsprühhand."
P.S. Nein, über #Ruzzland sprühen wir derzeit nicht. Also, schon, aber ihr wisst ja wie das mit #Geheimoperationen so ist. Sag hier nichts, verrate dort nichts. Ist anstrengend.
#NWO #spruh #gottesland #Ruzzland #geheimoperationen
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
Spatial separation of spin currents in transition metal dichalcogenides
Antonio L. R. Manesco, Artem Pulkin
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 036 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #tudelft #NWO
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Integrable Floquet systems related to logarithmic conformal field theory
Vsevolod I. Yashin, Denis V. Kurlov, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Vladimir Gritsev
SciPost Phys. 14, 084 (2023)
#NationalUniversityofScienceandTechnology #NWO #RussianScienceFoundation
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #SteklovMathematicalInstitute #RussianQuantumCenter #MISIS #uva #OCW #MinistryofScienceandHigherEducationoftheRussianFederation #NationalUniversityofScienceandTechnology #NWO #RussianScienceFoundation
Auch gut. Bisher haben noch jene die für Frieden mit Russland sind vor der #NWO gewarnt, welche sie an der amerikanischen Ostküste verorteten. ( Einige hier wissen sicher was das bedeutet. ) Jetzt scheint die NWO aber irgendwie von der anderen Seite her zu kommen. Wie erklärt man sich das als Flacherdler?