Iris Menu · @irismn
18 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hi all!

Time for a quick

I just finished a PhD in cognitive neuroscience from Paris Cité Univ and will be moving to for a position from January.

In my work, I am interested in how brain, genes & environment interact and impact cognition through development, with a focus on executive functions and early factors. To do that, I use tools such as structural equation & network models and machine learning.

#rstats #sem #neuroscience #psychology #postdoc #NYULangone #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Kratofil 🔬 · @rachelkratofil
56 followers · 45 posts · Server

Hi everyone! 👋

Originally from Vancouver Island, Canada now living on Manhattan island NYC. 🏝️ ➡️🗽

I am a new in the Department of at passionate about .

My research interest is on interactions and S. aureus mechansims in vivo.

Looking forward to meeting you all in this space!

#postdoc #microbiology #NYULangone #immunology #infection #repair #staphylococcus #host #pathogen #Virulence

Last updated 2 years ago