Tahou by Kōtuku Titihuia Nuttall 🐟 These past, present and future stories of Aotearoa and Coastal Salish lands made proximate include several lesbian couples.
https://www.librarything.com/work/29414884/ #QueerSFF2023
#LesbianBooks #NZBooks #AlternateGeography #IndigiQueer #Takatāpui @sapphicbooks
#queersff2023 #lesbianbooks #NZBooks #alternategeography #indigiqueer #takatapui
@hkmolloy ChatGPT has its uses (say informed tech savvy friends).
Thinking about uses after reading excellent #book, Fierce Hope Youth Activism in Aotearoa.
Book tells how writers did research, covers input and history of six groups, reports emotional impacts and future directions. Also shares long list of references. Clear and validated.
ChatGPT would leave out steps and would make assumptions. Still a good tool on analyzing words and inputs.
How to Get a Girlfriend When You're a Terrifying Monster by Marie Cardno 👾 A magic researcher ventures into the Endless, a bit of the Endless follows her back. Short and sweet.
https://www.librarything.com/work/28568460/ #QueerSFF2023
#WLWFiction #NZBooks @sapphicbooks
#queersff2023 #wlwfiction #NZBooks
The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper by AJ Fitzwater 🏴☠️ A collection of whimsical tales about the adventures of a lesbian capybara pirate.
https://www.librarything.com/work/24335636/ #QueerSFF2022 And done, Happy New Year from Aotearoa!
#Anthropomorphism #Capybara #TransBooks #NZBooks @sapphicbooks
#queersff2022 #anthropomorphism #capybara #transbooks #NZBooks
And I got my hardback copy of Nona the Ninth, which didn't come out here until four months after the paperback for reasons? #TheLockedTomb #NZBooks
ohh eagerly awaiting Ashleigh Young's next bike blog https://eyelashroaming.com/ #nzbooks
Na Viro by Gina Cole ☄️ is Pasifkafuturism, set between a floating village in Fiji, a waterlogged Tamakimakaurau, and in space where a giant whirlpool phenomenon has opened, forcing Tia, to leave off mapping the great Moana and go into space to rescue her sister and prevent a great wrong. Tia is dealing with her feelings of abandonment by her mother and her crush on the latest iteration of the artificial entity Turukawa. https://www.librarything.com/work/28400966/ #QueerSFF2022 #NZBooks
Kurangaituku by Whiti Hereaka 🪶 A reimagining of Māori myth Hatupatu and the Bird Woman, this gorgeous tête-bêche printed book follows the eponoymous Kurangaituku to the underworld where she is seduced by Hinenuitepō. https://www.librarything.com/work/27354885/ #QueerSFF2022
Kurangaituku won the New Zealand Fiction book award this year and there are much better reviews out there of it than mine https://thespinoff.co.nz/books/25-01-2022/transformation-a-takatapui-response-to-whiti-hereakas-novel-kurangaituku https://www.ketebooks.co.nz/all-book-reviews/kurangaituku-r7csy #NZBooks
Any other #NZTwits enjoy #TheOckhams tonight? I know Facebook is evil but it was sweet seeing the livestream with great books and authors getting recognition #NZbooks