@ClareBear @StephenRees
I highly recommend supporting @davidslack with a subscription. Amongst the dirge of #NZMedia opinion journalism we’re exposed to, it’s a terrible loss to the country that David Slack is no longer supported by our MSM. I suspect his exclusion is deliberate.
Imagine what the critical #NZPol issues would be leading up to the #NZVotes2023 election if #NZMedia gave even half the attention to the global and domestic threats of #ClimateChange as they give to promoting a national fear of #RamRaids.
#nzpol #NZVotes2023 #NZMedia #climatechange #RamRaids
@pezmico The planet and its people are facing an existential crisis that barely rates a mention by #NZMedia who are complicit in this denial. The #ClimateEmergency threatens everyone and everything we love and needs to be the most critical #NZPol deciding factor in the #NZVotes2023.
#NZMedia #climateemergency #nzpol #NZVotes2023
@pezmico I don't think people understand just how immediate this crisis is. We have a #NZPol #NZVotes2023 election coming up and barely a mention in #NZMedia about the urgency for drastic climate action. I thought once NZ started witnessing the devastation and financial cost of extreme weather events caused by #ClimateChange we'd wake up to the #ClimateEmergency. Vote either Green or TPM or else get in the sea whether you want to or not.
#nzpol #NZVotes2023 #NZMedia #climatechange #climateemergency
@rnzfans There’s been a whole lot of inappropriateness from RNZ with regards to their continued bullying and harassment of Kiri Allan over an unsubstantiated allegation raised by National’s Simeon Brown. Despite no record of any wrongdoing #RNZ continued their campaign to destroy Kiri Allan. #NZPol #NZMedia #DirtyPolitics
#rnz #nzpol #NZMedia #dirtypolitics
I love it when Chlöe Swarbrick appears anywhere in #NZMedia with hard, well researched facts supporting intelligent arguments that leave the lightweight vacuous journos looking foolish as they try to parrot their instructed talking points but are only left looking what they really are, foolish puppets. #NZPol
@RupertBBare I'm pretty sure the majority pf NZers fail to understand ACT's proposed flat tax rate and GST increases not only means less money for education, health, infrastructure etc it also means a tax increase for the majority of NZers. Don't expect the #NZPol #NZMedia to inform the #NZTwits of the shark tank awaiting everyday NZers if #Nact get elected.
#nzpol #NZMedia #NZTwits #nact
@JeffHowell I guess that’s what happens when you dedicate your news program to promoting an unpopular political party and constantly deliver blatantly unbalanced coverage. #NZMedia #NZPol
I am hoping #RNZ's Kathryn Ryan understands how #DirtyPolitics works. I am sitting here listening to her throw out National's Simeon Brown's unsubstantiated claims about Kiritapu Allan as if they are facts. Allegations without any evidence are baseless reckons. Give us the news not your reckons Kathryn. #NZPol #NZMedia
#rnz #dirtypolitics #nzpol #NZMedia
Can anyone explain why RNZ had National Party member, Brigitte Morten, on Midday Report today to give her opinion on the Kiri Allan allegations that were made by National MP Simeon Brown. The political neutrality of RNZ is becoming increasingly difficult to accept. #NZPol #RNZ #NZMedia #DirtyPolitics
#nzpol #rnz #NZMedia #dirtypolitics
I just heard RNZ political editor Jane Patterson suggesting Labour should seek a snap election on the back of National and RNZ's coordinated hit job on wahine toa, Kiri Allan, despite there being absolutely no evidence or story other than National's desperation. This continued attack by RNZ stinks of serious corruption in terms of coalescing with a party's political hit job. If true, heads should roll at RNZ. #NZMedia #NZPol
Can RNZ be OIA’d re the source of the Kiri Allan bullying allegations? It’s not as if RNZ don’t have an axe to grind with the Justice Minister after she called out the station’s failure to support Māori journalists. To make this year old hearsay story from the opposition a lead story despite no evidence or official record makes me suspect pro Russian journalists aren’t RNZ’s only problem. #NZMedia #NZPol
@keith_ng@bird.makeup #nzpol #nzmedia #rnzfans what does this mean? https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/news-extras/story/2018893905/rnz-editorial-audit
@dan There seems to be an absence of any urgency regarding climate change from #NZMedia or #NZPol in the lead up to the election. This has to become a far more important topic, the effects and cost severe weather events are having on NZ directly affects every other issue right now and, increasingly, the ability to function as a country.
Looking at the cost severe weather events are having on NZ's infrastructure, economy and livelihoods it seems strange how little attention #ClimateChange is being given by #NZMedia #NZPol in the lead up to the #23NZGE.
Imo, we all need to start making a lot more noise about this, it's not going to get easier.
#climatechange #NZMedia #nzpol #23nzge