At uni #research showcase presenting @c2Lab and some of our #network analysis demos, such as a dynamic network visualization tool for character recurrences in Charles Dickens' novels & a phylodynamics dashboard we developed during the early days of covid. #NetworkScience #ComplexSystems #Complexity #NewZealand #Science #fediscientists #NZTwits #NZToots #NZtech
#research #network #networkscience #complexsystems #Complexity #newzealand #science #fediscientists #NZTwits #NZToots #NZtech
@Martin_NZ @zyk Hey #NZTwits has #NZToots been considered?
I guess I will click on #NZToots after posting and find out. I'm into a #NZTootsInThePark get togethers.
#NZTwits #NZToots #nztootsinthepark
Anyone here have any experience with #ChefsGarden? They’ve got some plants for sale on the website with prices that look too good to be true. Are they a legit company? #NZToots #NZTwits
#chefsgarden #NZToots #NZTwits
@EmPenTen Attempting to add tags so more folks will hopefully see it. #NZTwits #NZToots #LostCat #LostKitty #HokioBeach #Levin #Paraparaumu #KapitiCoast #Wellington
#NZTwits #NZToots #lostcat #lostkitty #hokiobeach #levin #Paraparaumu #kapiticoast #wellington
I need a power converter (US to NZ) for my #CricutExploreAir2. Anyone know where I can get one?
#Cricut #US2NZ #PowerConverter #StepDownConverter #NZToots #NZTwits #Crafters
#cricutexploreair2 #cricut #us2nz #powerconverter #stepdownconverter #NZToots #NZTwits #crafters
I’m noticing that some peeps on here are being a bit stingy with the following. Don’t be. This isn’t Twitter. Share the love, and help to build this community. #MastodonIsntTwitter #ShareTheLove #FollowFolks #YouAreTheAlgorithm #TootsNotTweets #NzToots
#mastodonisnttwitter #sharethelove #FollowFolks #YouAreTheAlgorithm #tootsnottweets #NZToots
We want to help keep people in this country safe from the disability that covid and other viruses cause.
If you are already disabled then doubly so. Reinfection can and does cause irreparable damage to all organs and causes blood clots.
The government is not giving out correct messaging or protection. So we must look after each other as a result.
#MutualAid #mutualaidnz #MaskMutualAidNZ #airpurificationnz #cleanairnz #pandemicsafeconditions #disabiliy #NZTwits #NZTwitter #nztwitts #nztweeter #NZToots #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #persistentcovid #permanentdisability #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseaseNZ #protectagainstcovid #maskingisgood #noshameinmasking
Protect yours and others bodies by masking. they are the only bodies you will ever have.
#MutualAid #mutualaidnz #maskmutualaidnz #airpurificationnz #cleanairnz #pandemicsafeconditions #disabiliy #NZTwits #NZTwitter #nztwitts #nztweeter #NZToots #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #persistentcovid #permanentdisability #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseasenz #protectagainstcovid #maskingisgood #noshameinmasking
Thinking of starting a mask mutual aid for NZ. What do people reckon?
#NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #NZToots #maskmutualaid #MaskMutualAidNZ
#nztwips #nztweeter #NZMastodon #n95orbetter
I'll need some help in setting up a separate place to gather funds or I'll get cut off disability though is the only issue. Does anyone know how I can go about this and can anyone please help set something up because I simply don't have the energy.
Though I do have a WISE account it could go into if I can have help figuring out how to get the funds put into the card directly.
People will be able to post boxes of masks for redistribution to me and people can ask me for the masks and they will be posted some.
And I can collect funds to buy both N95s or better and also maybe some elastometric masks as well for people.
Just note I am disabled with extreme fatigue so if this becomes a thing that people are interested in contributing to and recieving from I'll be quite slow in getting them out because of how sick I am. I'll certainly do my best to get them out fast but again. I'm very sick and pushing myself can have devastating consequences so it'll be a slow project.
Masks ordered with cash to my wise account can probably be ordered and sent to people direct also so I won't need to get them in my hands to send them. Just an address and purchase a box or two.
#NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #NZToots #maskmutualaid #maskmutualaidnz #nztwips #nztweeter #NZMastodon #n95orbetter
Thinking of starting a mask mutual aid for NZ. What do people reckon?
#NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #NZToots #maskmutualaid #MaskMutualAidNZ
#nztwips #nztweeter #NZMastodon #n95orbetter
I'll need some help in setting up a separate place to gather funds or I'll get cut off disability though is the only issue. Does anyone know how I can go about this and can anyone please help set something up because I simply don't have the energy.
Though I do have a WISE account it could go into if I can have help figuring out how to get the funds put into the card directly.
#NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #NZToots #maskmutualaid #maskmutualaidnz #nztwips #nztweeter #NZMastodon #n95orbetter
The ability to #EditToots is priceless. Literally. It costs nothing here. 🤣
#editToots #itsbetterhere #mastodon #tootsnottweets #NZToots
Are there any hairdressers in #wellingtonnz that are #covidconcious and can give me a haircut from home and don't charge an absolute fuck ton of money. I got quoted $107 from the last person and I don't have that much money to burn on a haircut. I am #Disabed and #lowincome and you need to be #masked with an #N95 or better because I am severely immune compromised. Help??
#NZTwits #NZToots #NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwits
No rush. and I can also potentially give you a baby dragonfruit as a partial swap. Please contact me at
If you can help. Or boost
#wellingtonnz #covidconcious #Disabed #lowincome #masked #n95 #NZTwits #NZToots #NZTwit #nztwitts
I am only happy to see that my follower count has increased here because it means MORE OF MY OLD TWIT PALS HAVE MADE THE MOVE TO MASTODON!!
#NauMaiHaereMai #AhlanWaSahlan #WelcomeHome #ItsNicerHere #TootsNotTweets #Mastodon #NZToots
#naumaihaeremai #ahlanwasahlan #welcomehome #itsnicerhere #tootsnottweets #mastodon #NZToots
Hey #NZToots we’re heading to Napier and Hawkes Bay between Christmas and New Years — what are our must-do and must-eat priorities?
I seriously #LoveAotearoa. #LyallBayBeach #SandDunes #NZToots
#loveaotearoa #lyallbaybeach #sanddunes #NZToots
I stopped at the beach on the way home from dropping the kids off at school. 10 minutes later, I left with these, and a bunch of rocks (not pictured). #ILoveAotearoa #TeWhanganuiATara #Paua #SeaGlass #Shelling #BeachyKeen #NZToots
#iloveaotearoa #TeWhanganuiATara #paua #seaglass #shelling #beachykeen #NZToots