surface tensiona fire antwalks on water#nahaiwrimo
junk bondsthe convicted felonescapes handcuffs#nahaiwrimo
a man from Marsordering pizzaby the slice#nahaiwrimo
beneath the couch cushionsa forgotten coin collection#nahaiwrimo
endless summerGreek godswith laurel wreaths#nahaiwrimo
life goalsa swan sleepingat the river mouth#nahaiwrimo
refusing the blindfoldI reach into a barrelof garlic pickles#nahaiwrimo
simmeringa sauce stirredby seven sisters#nahaiwrimo
meat on the grilla stray dog'snew home#nahaiwrimo
empty nestosprey parents can't waitfor school to begin#nahaiwrimo
sitting at my deskwaiting for lifeto begin#nahaiwrimo
end of the worlda ghost at the barpays for my drink#nahaiwrimo
always showing offhydrangeas#nahaiwrimo
strong coffeehumming alongwith the on-hold music#nahaiwrimo
South Station commutersenteringa string quartet#nahaiwrimo
South Station commuters entera string quartet#NaHaiWriMo
raging arroyoleaving no stoneunturned#nahaiwrimo
first lightan openingin the fence#nahaiwrimo
chugging down the champagnethe movie star leaves no tip#nahaiwrimo
eating from my handthe stray dogdoesn't blink#nahaiwrimo