#GreatAlbums1990s – #NadaSurf - #HighLow (1996). This New York power trio brought humour and toughness to adrenalized power pop that might have sounded fey in weaker hands. The half-spoken “Popular” is a nerd’s anthem/ missing link between Nirvana’s “School” and Rush’s “Subdivisions.” When the trio rocks, as on “Psychic Caramel,” there’s enough Foo Fighters similarity to suggest the band was either ill-promoted or ahead of its time. Ex-Car Ric Ocasek produced.
#1990s, #Rock, #Alternative
#Alternative #rock #1990s #highlow #NadaSurf #greatalbums1990s
@caos@feddit.de Ebenfalls sehenswerter Film aus #Wuppertal:
"Nichts bereuen" (2000/2001) von Benjamin Quabeck mit Daniel Brühl, Marie-Lou Sellem, Denis Moschitto & Jessica Schwarz spielt ebenfalls u.a. in #Sonnborn, im U-Club und natürlich in der #Schwebebahn
Auch den #Soundtrack (siehe https://www.discogs.com/de/release/14852479-Various-Nichts-Bereuen-Original-Soundtrack) mag ich gerne, u.a. mit #NadaSurf #SmokinSuckazWitLogic & #DieSterne
#diesterne #smokinsuckazwitlogic #NadaSurf #soundtrack #schwebebahn #sonnborn #wuppertal
#RadioEins gehört wirklich langsam mal hier her. Auf :birdsite: habe ich mich öfter mal bei der Musikredaktion bedankt. Hier kann ich momentan nur ins Leere rufen: »Danke für #NadaSurf!«
#radioeins #NadaSurf #rbb #reichebrauchenboni
By Nada Surf
#NadaSurf #IndieRock #music #AlternativeRock #musicnerd #musicfeedsmysoul
#musicfeedsmysoul #musicnerd #alternativerock #music #indierock #NadaSurf #hashtaggames #schoolasongormovie
Been living room dancing to this classic. £1 charity shop pick up yesterday n'aw.
#NadaSurf made great progress recording their new album in Wales last month--next step mixing! 💙🌟🎶🎸#newrecord #JustWait
#NadaSurf #newrecord #justwait
Great news from #NadaSurf, they've been in their favorite Welsh studio, recording new music! Don't know much more than that, but I'll post when I do.💙 🎸
@faltenbalg Oooh. Man sollte wieder viel mehr #Musik von #NadaSurf hören! Super Song🤙
Es regnet. Licht von oben gibt es heute auch keins. Meine Gewichtsabnahme stagniert. Aber kein Grund für schlechte Laune, denn gerade kam mir dieses Lied in den Kopf:
Nada Surf - Always Love
#musik #indie #rock #SongdesTages #NadaSurf
Hello to all you #NadaSurf fans! This is a new account about this fascinating band. #AlwaysLove #SoMuchLove 💙 #twittermigration nadasurftalk@twitter.com
#NadaSurf #alwayslove #somuchlove #twittermigration
My latest radio show is now online - featuring music from
#blur #adwaith #natalieandthemonarchy #hotellux #thomastruax #budgie #paleblueeyes #swanseasound #workernparasite #humour #bleachlab #frenchalpstiger #isawyouyesterday #vinivicious #oblong #obeyrobots #claraluzia #theshopwindow #ydail #cheerbleederz #vintagecrop #holycoves #thebeths #vero #snowcoats #helloluna #thousandyardstare #seapower #emperoroficecream #melys #straw #nadasurf #stare #blabhappy #indiemusic
#blur #Adwaith #natalieandthemonarchy #hotellux #thomastruax #budgie #paleblueeyes #SwanseaSound #workernparasite #humour #bleachlab #frenchalpstiger #isawyouyesterday #vinivicious #oblong #obeyrobots #claraluzia #theshopwindow #ydail #cheerbleederz #vintagecrop #holycoves #theBeths #vero #snowcoats #helloluna #thousandyardstare #seapower #emperoroficecream #Melys #straw #NadaSurf #stare #blabhappy #indiemusic