Nadia Bulkin and Cassandra Khaw read for us on Story Hour! Nadia read a chilling and thought-provoking story, and Cassandra read a sweet—but not completely thornless—fairytale retelling. And it all ends with cake! You can still watch!

#StoryHour2020 #authorreading #shortstories #NadiaBulkin #cassandrakhaw

Last updated 2 years ago

Hold on to your hat! This week's Story Hour will have Nadia Bulkin and Cassandra Khaw reading their own stories! Make it a nice warm hat you can pull down over your ears when you start to shiver.

#StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #authorreading #NadiaBulkin #cassandrakhaw

Last updated 2 years ago

· @waywardpythonttv
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