RT @TheShiftNews: Challenge proceedings brought against the Police Commissioner by @repubblikaMT will be taken out of Magistrate Nadine Lia's hands and immediately reassigned to another magistrate #justice #nadinelia #malta #news @RobertAquilina3 @azzopardijason
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1589668654186393600
#justice #NadineLia #Malta #news
RT @CollectifAvanti: Il y a quelques instants, notre président @RobertAquilina3 a montré aux médias rassemblés devant le palais de justice, les conclusions de l'enquête magistrale sur #PilatusBank qui est ignorée par la police, le procureur général et la magistrate #NadineLia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1565322506336100354
RT @repubblikaMT: 🚨BREAKING: A few moments ago our president @RobertAquilina3 displayed to the assembled media outside the law courts, the conclusions of the magisterial inquiry into #PilatusBank that is being ignored by the Police & the Attorney General & Magistrate #NadineLia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1565250988172263425
#PilatusBank #NadineLia #WeMeanBusiness
RT @repubblikaMT: #MALTA: This is how a political appointee magistrate #NadineLia deals with #ruleoflaw NGO #Repubblika: by instructing the police to reveal our sources rather than ensuring that they act on the conclusions of the magisterial inquiry into corrupt #PilatusBank
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1561640055294271488
#Malta #NadineLia #ruleoflaw #Repubblika #PilatusBank