A low birthrate is good news for the planet | Population | The Guardian
#birthrate #earth #tories #NatCon
The right-wing American group behind the conference attracting Tories like Suella Braverman and Michael Gove | The Independent
#republicans #us #rightwing #NatCon #Braverman #Gove #homeoffice #FaithFlagFamily #transphobia #homophobia #sexism #Cates #ReesMogg #30pLee #Anderson #antisemitism #holocaust #downingstreet #Sunak #Kawczynski #orban #hungary #victorian #Kruger
So is the National Conservatism conference over, or have they got a special guest speaker as a finale? If so, who'd fit the general ambience? Tommy Robinson?#NatCon
‘Close to 3 million emergency food parcels were distributed by food banks in the Trussell Trust network in the past 12 months — the most parcels ever distributed by the network in a year.’
Despite this did we hear anything about the cost of living crisis at the latest Tory shindigs #Natcon and the Boris rehabilitation society meet-up in Bournemouth? Er, no…because they are too busy trying to start US style culture wars.
Douglas Murray taking "National Conservatism" that one logical step further, and not just with his haircut...
Has anyone weirder than Frank "RCP" Furedi been on at the #NatCon conference yet? I'm actually gripped. It's like Wacky Races with cabinet ministers.
When designing a conference on a modern Burkean "National Conservatism", I always think of how fitting it is to have the guru of an atrocity denying ex Leninist group as a speaker.
#NatCon #spiked #furedi #tories #braverman
#NatCon and the #Tories involvement with it is just more evidence that we cannot view the populism and authoritarianism of countries around the world in isolation.
The speed at which right-wing parties are now pushing extremist agendas has rocketed.
Expose these politicians for what they are: dangers to democracy.
Mobilise and vote.
#SuellaBraverman will be a speaker at the next #NatCon.
Speakers at previous events have included the Hungarian PM, and autocrat, Viktor #Orban, Governor of Florida Ron #DeSantis and Italian PM Giorgia #Meloni.
If she wants to move in the same circles as these enemies of democracy, then again, you have to ask why is #Sunak keeping her in his cabinet?
#Sunak #meloni #desantis #orban #NatCon #SuellaBraverman