Y'all, that's me. That's was my session. I *told* you it was awesome!!! And inspiring.
(also it was recorded so ought to pop up on the youtube soon)
#NationalBikeSummit #BikeTooter #SlowStreets #COVIDstreets #ShiftingStreets
#NationalBikeSummit #BikeTooter #slowstreets #COVIDstreets #shiftingstreets
Re-watching *The Street Project *for my #NationalBikeSummit panel, I'm struck again by the scene (46:00) when a man drives up in an SUV & interrupts an interview about #OpenStreets to ask if the filmmakers will "carry the funeral when a kid gets killed by a #car?"
How do we get from "you're going to get somebody killed doing this" to "*I *am going to kill someone doing this?" When will those behind the wheel realize *they* are the threat?
#NationalBikeSummit #openstreets #car #safestreetsforall #BikeTooter
Are you at the #NationalBikeSummit? If so, check out my virtual session today, "Lessons from Slow Streets," with my co-panelists Julie Flynn & Jennifer Boyd