Our #nationalBroadcaster's website in #Australia, the ABC, fetches images from #Akamai. This means that a USA-based corporation is able to track you as you access #news articles.
Even if you #disableJavascript, the #lazyLoading of images tells Akamai the page being read and how quickly!
- Use #TorBrowser in Safest mode, when accessing any news site,
- When using #ABCNewsAU site #disableImages, on 'about:config' page, set 'default.images' property from '1' to 2 (or 3).
#NationalBroadcaster #australia #akamai #news #disableJavascript #lazyLoading #torbrowser #abcnewsau #disableimages
I stand with #ABC workers who are #VotingNo to management's paltry wage offer. #livingwage #aunty #CPSU #nationalbroadcaster #union #auspol
#auspol #abc #votingno #livingwage #aunty #cpsu #NationalBroadcaster #union
Also how many UK nationals, and persons with direct relations or close family relations or investments in the #MilitaryIndustrial machine?
We deserve to know, as a percentage of all the people on the #payroll and in terms of the percentage of total #renumerations at the #nationalBroadcaster.
#MilitaryIndustrial #payroll #renumerations #NationalBroadcaster #NotMyABC
Australia's #NationalBroadcaster has begun blocking #TorBrowser. The error reads:
> Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)
#abcNews #australia #ABCNews24 #myABC #notMyABC #internaliseTheProblem #itsNotMeItsYou #akamAIaBC #giveUsYouTelevisionNetworks #USA #clientState #auspol #shellCountry #sovereignty #warEconomy #sinophobia #sinophobic #racist #racism #russophobia #ww3 #communication
#NationalBroadcaster #torbrowser #abcnews #australia #ABCNews24 #myABC #NotMyABC #internaliseTheProblem #itsNotMeItsYou #akamaiABC #giveUsYouTelevisionNetworks #usa #clientstate #auspol #shellCountry #sovereignty #warEconomy #sinophobia #sinophobic #racist #racism #russophobia #ww3 #communication
Australia's #NationalBroadcaster blocks people from watching #iview programmes if they use a #privacy browser like #TorBrowser.
Even #RT (#RussiaToday) allows private access.
Shame on #Australia.
Maybe its for the best, they apparently had anti-#cryptocurrency programming this week, and used #memecoin and #twitterBuyer as part of their #fallaciousReasoning.
#forcedNews #misdirection #conflation #notMyABC #notOurABC #ABCNews #oURabC #mYabC #corporateStateTotalitarianism
#NationalBroadcaster #iview #privacy #torbrowser #rt #russiaToday #australia #cryptocurrency #memeCoin #twitterBuyer #fallaciousReasoning #forcedNews #misdirection #conflation #NotMyABC #notOurABC #abcnews #ourABC #myABC #corporateStateTotalitarianism
Wonder if #FourCorners will ever do an expose on CloudFlare or CAGEFAM… oh wait they are bribed by #dotcons (ie. #Facebook) and use Akamai, a Microsoft-partner, for all their web content they serve.
> "You mist be logged in to access this content."
What will it take for Australia's #nationalBroadcaster to not be completely beholden to the #technoFascists?
Maybe #CloudFlare might lock them out of their #bankAccount next time they report a worthy story.
Will never happen.
#FourCorners #dotcons #facebook #NationalBroadcaster #technoFascists #cloudflare #bankAccount #TheFourthTurning
BURY THE CANDIDATES: #Australia's currently having an #election.
Supposed #nationalBroadcaster, the #AkamaiABC have decided to bury the actual candidates 5-clicks-deep on the website.
They're effectively inaccessible — we almost gave up looking!
Here they are:
#ausVotes #elections #webDesign #darkPatterns #antidemocratic #electionMeddling #ABCNews
#australia #election #NationalBroadcaster #akamaiABC #ausvotes #elections #webdesign #darkpatterns #AntiDemocratic #ElectionMeddling #abcnews
The things in the last sentence we mentioned were news outlets, so not great ways to be honest.
Australia's #nationalBroadcaster seems to put everything through flipping #Akamai, so we cannot trust them, and we are starting to get weary of #LiteSpeed CDN, now.
#NationalBroadcaster #akamai #LiteSpeed #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork
Australia's #nationalBroadcaster is basically a USA operation. At the network level almost everything is #Akamai last we checked.
This means we don't tend to click on news stories we just look at the headlines and images, (read memes) as we don't want a Microsoft-partner learning what "news" people might be interested in.
Sometimes we load multiple pages, and scroll to the bottom of each page so all the lazyLoading images are loaded, then discard tabs we weren't interested in.
Are they preparing to bring down #theInternet. Take a look at the headlines from the #nationalBroadcaster of Australia, the #AustralianBroadcastingCorporation.
Also see the kind of extremely superficial reporting on #theUkraine, and how they are trying to condition #Australians into embracing #ww3, and being a #martyr for the benefit of the #neoNazi regime.
#solarStorm #solarFlare #bitcoinWar #legacyMedia #repitition #hypnosis
#TheInternet #NationalBroadcaster #australianbroadcastingcorporation #theUkraine #Australians #ww3 #martyr #neonazi #solarstorm #solarFlare #bitcoinWar #legacymedia #repitition #hypnosis
2/4… the #socialPlatform, with #Fakebook promising money to the #legacyMedia, *including our #nationalBroadcaster*. This should've opened up a huge discussion in Australia — even #protest.
Our broadcaster is ours, not a US corporation's.
Yet something very convenient happened. A woman claiming she was #raped in the 80s by the #AttorneyGeneral apparently commited suicide.
#socialPlatform #fakebook #legacymedia #NationalBroadcaster #protest #raped #attorneygeneral
They're at it again!
We've caught #Australia's #nationalBroadcaster pumping #stockMarket investment to #women, on the site's front page, again.
Its the same article (#PatrickWright), suggesting women invest the same amount ($5000) into what we'd describe as an overheated market.
The article clearly targets women, with photos of women showering in coins:
#australia #NationalBroadcaster #stockmarket #women #PatrickWright
They're at it again!
We've caught #Australia's #nationalBroadcaster pumping #stockMarket investment to #women, on the site's front page, again.
Its the same article (#PatrickWright), suggesting women invest the same amount ($5000) into what we'd describe as an overheated market.
The article clearly targets women, with photos of women showering in coins:
#australia #NationalBroadcaster #women #PatrickWright #stockmarket
Today we met a special breed of television viewer, the avid #NationalBroadcaster viewer.
They seemed well versed in #COVID, #MemeCoin, and how #Putin is a "bad guy" who wants to rule like a King apparently.
Funny how they didn't know #Navalny called #migrants "dirt".
#NationalBroadcaster #covid #memeCoin #putin #navalny #migrants
Not even joking.
We realised the #mainstreamMedia were pumping #memeCoins and #NFTs when we heard them talk about them on #TripleJ, an #indieMusic radioStation from the #NationalBroadcaster, here in #Australia.
We admit that TripleJ still has a lot of credibility while most of the corporateMedia doesn't. But it does make us wonder. If they are pumping ideas to kids via celebrity and popular #radioStations, is there anyone in the household equipped to counter the narratives with jest?
#mainstreammedia #memeCoins #nfts #TripleJ #indiemusic #NationalBroadcaster #australia #radioStations
The PM #ScottMorrison should just take the knee to Facebook already.
Seeing the #nationalBroadcaster effectively declare Australia a #FacebookNation, by and for the #Facebook people is sickening. They will keep doing #puffPieces like this now to get access to some #FakebookCash and #FakebookAlgorithms.
We had a page with 4000 Aussie supporters. But we were limited and #shadowBanned because we were getting too popular and too useful.
Celebrating Facebook Moderators — the new #usefulIdiot.
#scottmorrison #NationalBroadcaster #FacebookNation #facebook #puffpieces #FakebookCash #FakebookAlgorithms #shadowbanned #usefulIdiot
We call it Fakebook.
By the way most of the so called #news in #Australia is glorified corporate #pressReleases, and tabloid tripe.
Not just in the Murdoch media but even from Australia's #nationalBroadcaster, the ABC. Because ABC reporters clamour to get a role in corporate media. They do 'real news' extremely poorly these days - almost never.
If they have to do #realNews they bury it deep in the recesses of their publications.
#news #australia #pressReleases #NationalBroadcaster #realnews
We've decided to highlight an #archived list of what we think is the #nationalBroadcaster of #Australia pumping #stocks to it's audience of millions.
The following article has been featured, at a minimum on #ABC's front page (see end of post for front page) yesterday and today:
While the author…(1/7)
#archived #NationalBroadcaster #australia #stocks #abc
Oh yeah, generally speaking its the kids. Many ppl over 30 know how artificial and inflated #stonks are.
Just yesterday we saw articles from #Australia's #nationalBroadcaster, all edited from mid-2019, about how to get into #stocks and diversify, or to #passiveInvest, lol. Mid-2019 non-advice *repeated*!
Oh and bitcoin is too difficult to understand, so its akin to gambling apparently. No attempt to enlighten. Actually disinfo.
No explaination of physical #metals also.
#stonks #australia #NationalBroadcaster #stocks #passiveInvest #metals
If ever there was a day to talk about #JulianAssange, today would be that day.
#Australia's #NationalBroadcaster has completely failed to headline the #AssangeCase today.
Proof here:
Yesterday on #ABCNews24 they sped through the case so fast that by the time we made it to the #television, the news had moved to the next story!
Delete all management currently at #ABC.
#julianassange #australia #NationalBroadcaster #AssangeCase #ABCNews24 #television #abc #NotMyABC #myABC #censorship #myFakeABC #fakenews #abcnews