@ccferrie The worst thing by far, from women’s point of view is that Rome, via roundabout legal means will continue to have control over a National Maternity Hospital built with and funded by Irish taxpayers and the state. So the chances of a full service for women is virtually NIL. They won’t permit termination, sterilisation, and certain types of contraception. The Nuns must be removed and the site wholly state owned #NationalMaternityHospital #prochoice
#NationalMaternityHospital #prochoice
@SarahDelahunty And yet, they people in control of this horror, have not paid the reparations they should. Instead the Irish Government is spineless and has granted them control [in a distant way] over the state and taxpayer-funded #NationalMaternityHospital . Absolutely shameful. That must be removed beyond all religious institutions reach, or women will never have access to the services they need. #prochoice #autonomy #women
#NationalMaternityHospital #prochoice #autonomy #women
@anarchosurreal And hospitals too. Our coming #NationalMaternityHospital with the #HolyNuns squirming to retain hold of it, and its #VirginMother statue at its entrance
#NationalMaternityHospital #holynuns #virginmother
RT @AmyNiNollag
On my way to this today! #MakeNMHOurs #NationalMaternityHospital #NMH
#MakeNMHOurs #NationalMaternityHospital #NMH
RT @paul_gavan
This is the person I trust most on the issue of the #NationalMaternityHospital .And as a proud Repealer, and campaigner for #SafeAccessZones I have a great deal less faith in the Minister for Health, who has made promises that he has failed to deliver on. #NMH https://twitter.com/drboylan/status/1525047981753438218
#NationalMaternityHospital #SafeAccessZones #NMH
RT @ABhoysVoice
*effectively* been gifted.
Rather than just being gifted.
#OurNMH #NationalMaternityHospital #MakeNMHOurs
#Dail https://twitter.com/SeanDefoe/status/1524014146878066689
#ourNMH #NationalMaternityHospital #MakeNMHOurs #Dail
RT @AAC_West
Full contraceptive services are not currently available in St Vincent's hospital. We need full reproductive rights services in #OurNMH #NationalMaternityHospital https://twitter.com/drboylan/status/1523968393652670467
#ourNMH #NationalMaternityHospital
RT @ICCLtweet
📢Healthcare is a human right. It must be legally guaranteed.
Political assurances on the #NationalMaternityHospital are not enough.
Read our statement: https://www.iccl.ie/news/government-must-guarantee-all-healthcare-at-national-maternity-hospital/
#NationalMaternityHospital #ourNMH
RT @Jenni4Canesten
Speaking of hospitals, the "consultant" told me I had a SMOKING related illness. I don't smoke. It's still written in whatever record he kept that I smoke 20 plus a day. I DON'T SMOKE. We have MASSIVE problems being listened to by medical professionals #NationalMaternityHospital https://twitter.com/Jenni4Canesten/status/1522936810573381632
RT @marybuckley549
So @EamonRyan wants no further delay in handing over the #NationalMaternityHospital to a private board composed of representatives of the catholic church, vehemently opposed to reproductive healthcare. Irish women kicked in the face by the @greenparty_ie
RT @laylawade__
Didn't get a chance to ask @DonnellyStephen my questions, so perhaps he'll answer me here.
1. Why is the State considering investing up to €1billion of public money into a lease with a Vatican-approved private company?
RT @paulduanefilm
Will anyone attending the @fiannafailparty Women’s Health Conference ask why they’re selling out on our #NationalMaternityHospital https://twitter.com/OurMatHosp/status/1518935676552724481