Checkmate. The EFF forced the ANC to react with their #NationalShutdown. The ANC showed vulnerability and over-reacted, deployed the military and police, and suspended loadshedding.
This has backfired. It shows the police are very capable of law enforcement, but choose not to do so when not politically motivated. The ANC is prepared to use the military against citizens, which is a verbotten pain-point in South Africa. Loadshedding is business-use driven, whilst citizens are made to suffer.
While the EFF ranks are in full-on #NationalShutdown, AfriForum's Delmas volunteers are unfazed and hard at work fixing potholes.
Top of the Pops of the #nationalshutdown
So #Biden wants the crooked #WHO to be able to force a #NationalShutdown without input from elected officials. Meanwhile #Pfizer & the #WEF died suddenly crowd want to claim a #vaccine for #cancer using the #mRNA that is causing it. Create the problem sell the cure. @GenFlynn
#mRNA #cancer #vaccine #wef #Pfizer #NationalShutdown #WHO #Biden
Sad but true. Bitcoin and the new Decentralized internet it creates fixes this. Nostr is a start
RT @djvalerieblove
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“You are being systemically exploited through your belief system… #bitcoin fixes this”
#NationalShutdown #peacefulrevolution #bitcoin
Nationwide strike and protests in South Africa against rising cost of living, power cuts and mass unemployment which hits 34% #NationalShutdown #inflation
Nationwide strike and protests in South Africa against rising cost of living, power cuts and mass unemployment which hits 34% #NationalShutdown #inflation