NSF Backs Unity Fund Project With $1.5 Million Grant https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2358106 #Research #Mitiq #Mitiq_Open_Soure_Ecosystem #National_Science_Foundation #NSF #quantumdaily Insider Brief The Unitary Fund has been granted a $1.5 million award by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to enhance the open-source ecosystem. The ecosystem is centered around the Mitiq project. Mitiq is a compiler designed to enhance the robustness of quantum programs. In what could be a significant boost
#Research #Mitiq #Mitiq_Open_Soure_Ecosystem #National_Science_Foundation #NSF #quantumdaily
Florida State University Announces $20 Million-Plus Investment in Quantum Science And Engineering https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2354885 #Research #Department_of_Commerce #Department_of_Defense #department_of_energy #FAMUFSU #Florida_State #Florida_State_University #FSU #National_Science_Foundation #quantum_initiative #Richard_McCullough #Stacey_Patterson #quantumdaily Insider Brief Florida State University will dedicate more than $20 million to quantum science and engineering over the next t
#Research #Department_of_Commerce #Department_of_Defense #department_of_energy #FAMUFSU #Florida_State #Florida_State_University #FSU #National_Science_Foundation #quantum_initiative #Richard_McCullough #Stacey_Patterson #quantumdaily