The war in #Ukraine got me to read #HannahArendt on #Imperialism (the #NationStateSystem ) and pay attention to the war in #Yemen and all the #MilitaryBases in #Djibouti ... All of that brought to mind a book, in #OgdensBasicEnglish by someone who was thought to be the greatest teacher of the 20th century...
#NationsAndPeace #IARichards #IAR #UnitedWorldFederalists #ArchiveOrg
#archiveorg #UnitedWorldFederalists #iar #iarichards #NationsAndPeace #OgdensBasicEnglish #djibouti #militarybases #yemen #NationStateSystem #imperialism #hannaharendt #ukraine
> This little book is an example of the free use of Basic Eng-
> Is another step possible which would put the defense of all
countries in the hands of the PEOPLES of the earth?
> Can we make the UN into a UP— a United Peoples’ Govern-
> Can we put defense in the hands of a World Govern-
ment responsible to and representative of the PEOPLES..
#IaR #IaRichards #NationsAndPeace #UnitedPeoples #UnitedNations #BasicEnglish #CKOgden
#ckogden #basicenglish #unitednations #UnitedPeoples #NationsAndPeace #iarichards #iar