Navajo Landowners Roll Up on Biden's Interior Secretary with Awesome 2-Word Demand. The needs and interests of the Navajo Nation don't seem to hold much weight with the Biden administration. #navajo #nativeamericans #Democrats
#navajo #NativeAmericans #Democrats
Want to survive like #NativeAmericans? Learn #survival skills like #hunting
#SHTF #hunting #survival #NativeAmericans
Want to survive like #NativeAmericans? Learn #survival skills like #hunting
#SHTF #hunting #survival #NativeAmericans
Besetzung von #WoundedKnee
"Es war unsere Glanzstunde"
Vor 50 Jahren besetzten #NativeAmericans Wounded Knee, den Ort des berüchtigten Massakers von 1890. Bis heute inspiriert die spektakuläre Aktion den indigenen Kampf um Selbstbestimmung in den USA.
Von Aram Mattioli
12ft | Besetzung von Wounded Knee: "Es war unsere Glanzstunde" | ZEIT ONLINE
#woundedknee #NativeAmericans #indigene
#INDIGENOUS -- city of 40,000 #nativeAmericans conducted daily ritual sacrifices of virgins:
As the Colorado River Shrinks, Washington Prepares to Spread the Pain #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #RationingandAllocationofResources #AgricultureandFarming #LakePowell(Utah-Ariz) #ImperialValley(Calif) #BureauofReclamation #InteriorDepartment #NativeAmericans #ColoradoRiver #GlobalWarming #California #NewMexico #LakeMead #Colorado #Drought #Arizona #Wyoming #Nevada #Water #Utah
#UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #RationingandAllocationofResources #AgricultureandFarming #LakePowell #ImperialValley #BureauofReclamation #InteriorDepartment #NativeAmericans #ColoradoRiver #GlobalWarming #California #NewMexico #LakeMead #Colorado #Drought #Arizona #wyoming #Nevada #water #Utah
Type YES
#NativeAmerican #NativeAmericans #native
#native #NativeAmericans #nativeamerican
Swinomish Tribe builds US's first modern 'clam garden,' reviving ancient practice
#fish #ecology #NativeAmericans #ClimateTech #gardens
#fish #ecology #NativeAmericans #climatetech #gardens
I know that the vast majority of us live on stolen, blood-soaked land. I never learned about the Santee executions in school, though.
#HeatherCoxRichardson lays out the facts about this shameful, mass execution of #NativeAmericans:
#NativeAmericans #HeatherCoxRichardson
An Indigenous reservation has a novel way to grow food – below the earth’s surface | #NativeAmericans | @TheGuardian
Zum ersten Mal erhalten mehrere amerikanische Stämme zum Teil hohe Millionenbeträge von der US-Regierung, um ihre Siedlungsgebiete so zu verändern, dass sie von der globalen Erhitzung nicht mehr unmittelbar betroffen sind. Die Bundesregierung erkennt damit an, das in den bisherigen Siedlungsgebieten Anpassung an das veränderte Klima nicht mehr möglich ist. (14/17)
#NativeAmericans #usa #klimaanpassung
#Eni will norwegische Firma übernehmen – Erste #LNG-Lieferung aus #Mosambik für #ENI – #Klimaleugner-Propagand auf #Twitter – Blockade von Erneuerbaren in #Italien – Umsiedlung von #NativeAmericans – #WMO zu bedrohten Süßwasser-Vorräten – Anhaltende #Dürre in #Spanien (2/17)
#eni #lng #mosambik #klimaleugner #twitter #italien #NativeAmericans #wmo #durre #spanien
Residents at White Mesa protest the local uranium mill
#nativeamericans #politics #uranium #utah #whitemesa #progressives #humanrights #democrats #environmentalracism
#NativeAmericans #politics #uranium #utah #whitemesa #progressives #humanrights #Democrats #environmentalracism
@charlesornstein @ProPublica this is an example of environmental racism and a form of ongoing genocide against #NativeAmericans. The Federal government continually ignores its Treaty obligations to Tribes. This is one reason why #CherokeeNation is fighting hard to seat a delegate in the House of Representatives, as per the Treaty of New Echota.
#CherokeeNation #NativeAmericans
@noeldeseau @ABecenti Saw your posts looking to find other #Indigenous folks. Click on these hashtags to find lots of others seeking the same community. And welcome.
You can also hashtag specific groups:
#indigenous #nativeamerican #native #nativepride #firstnations #NativeAmericans #navaho #cherokee #Sioux #chippewa #choctaw #apache
Native Places is a spatial humanities project of the American West Center at the University of Utah.
It consists of an interactive, layered map centered on Utah that encompasses the homelands of the state’s traditionally associated tribes. The map will record and restore indigenous place names to major landscape features and selected historical and cultural sites.
#universityofutah #indigenouspeoples #NativeAmericans
"My friend, I am going to tell you the story of my life, as you wish; and if it were only the story of my life, I think I would not tell it; for what is one man that he should make much of his winters, even when they bend him like a heavy snow?
So many other men have lived and shall live that story, to be grass upon the hills."
- Black Elk, in Black Elk Speaks (John G. Neihardt, 1932)
#NativeAmericans #Lakota #Sioux #Nebraska #writing
I remember when I was in China & this girl said to me
💔“we don’t like #America bc they KILLED ALL the #NativeAmericans #indians
💕“But “we LOVE the #Americans bc we LOVE the TV show #gossipgirl
What A statement !
So every time I TALK to a Chinese person🙏 I TRY I give them something MADE by Native American INDIANS (bc there are LOTS of TRIBE close to me)
♟& I tell them that the 1% #ELITE #GLOBALIST who RULE THE WORLD didnt KILL THEM ALL “
💗 pretty much ALL of ASIA loves loves loves the native American Indians
💔but again! It’s like being BLAMED for Slavery
💔When BOTH my parents are 1st generation Americans!
💔& only like 1-3% owned slaves!
💔so it’s STILL the 1% Globalist ELITE F EVERYONE OVER again!
#globalist #elite #gossipgirl #americans #indians #NativeAmericans #America
#BIA report details how #federalgovernment forcefully assimilated #NativeAmericans for 150 years #forcedassimilation
#forcedassimilation #NativeAmericans #federalgovernment #BIA