RT @mac_bron@twitter.com
Victorians, if we want to protect the precious #biodiversity of our remaining native forests, we need Dan Andrews to abolish loss-making, emissions-creating criminal outfit VicForests asap, let 2023 be the year we put a stop to #NativeForest destruction #LoggingisCriminal
#biodiversity #NativeForest #loggingiscriminal
We talked with forest defender Felicity Law about gliders in the latest episode of In Those Days. Searching the newspaper archives in #Trove I found out gliders were called 'flying squirrels' or 'flying phalangers' in the olden days.
These days greater gliders and yellow-bellied gliders are threatened species and we need to save their habitat.
#ThreatenedSpecies #NativeForest #VictorianForests #NewspaperArchives #GreaterGliders #InThoseDays #HistoryPodcast
#trove #threatenedspecies #NativeForest #VictorianForests #newspaperarchives #GreaterGliders #inthosedays #historypodcast
Making a #Introduction is kind of intimidating, but my I'll try...
Hi! I'm Nicole/Nic. I'm an #ElderMillenial living in the #woods in the #PNW with my #puppy in a little purple cottage I built. I'm ambivalent about pronouns, but they/them is good.
I'm a #queer #nonbinary #unschooling #parent of two teens. In my previous life
I was an #RN, but thanks to a #braintumor and #dysautonomia, I'm now #disabled with #ChronicMigraine #chronicpain, and #POTS. Now I'm a #RadicalHomemaker and kind of a wannabe #farmer. When my body is up for it I piddle around outside #building things, doing #projects, learning about whatever interests me, and trying my best to be a good #LandSteward to the forest.
In addition to my kids and coparent, I share my yard with my #chickens and #ducks, a small, young #FoodForest, #flower and #herb gardens, and lots of #NativeForest with all the native critters. I'm an #anticapitalist, #anarchist ( #anarchocommunist ), #buddhist, #EarthCenteredSpirituality, #lgbtq, #sapphic ( #Butch4Butch 😉), #polyamorous, #RelationshipAnarchist.
Here's a bunch of tags of other things that interest me:
#baking #gardening #chickens #muscovy #DogTraining #DIY #CompetitionRealityTV #DisabilityAdvocacy #ASL #farming #sustainability #agroforestry #TransRights #trees #birds #tattoos #tarot #WheelOfTheYear #YouthLiberation #ForestBathing #rest #crafting #upcycling #nature
#Introduction #eldermillenial #woods #pnw #puppy #queer #nonbinary #unschooling #parent #rn #braintumor #Dysautonomia #disabled #ChronicMigraine #chronicpain #pots #radicalhomemaker #farmer #building #projects #landsteward #chickens #ducks #foodforest #flower #herb #NativeForest #anticapitalist #Anarchist #anarchocommunist #buddhist #earthcenteredspirituality #lgbtq #sapphic #butch4butch #polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #baking #gardening #muscovy #DogTraining #DIY #competitionrealitytv #disabilityadvocacy #asl #farming #sustainability #agroforestry #transrights #trees #birds #tattoos #tarot #wheeloftheyear #youthliberation #forestbathing #rest #crafting #upcycling #nature
Another report released about why native forest logging doesn't make sense. This time it's from a right-leaning think-tank Blueprint Institute.
This AFR article about the report contains some of the best anti-native logging quotes I've ever read!
This might be my favourite: "The native logging industry is propped up by government to protect an ever-decreasing number of jobs and placate misguided pressure from vested interests."
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #NativeForest #VictorianForests
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #NativeForest #VictorianForests
Apparently The Weekly Times has reported that #VicForests will issue a stand-down for all #NativeForest logging in Victoria this morning. Confused about whether this is great news or just an election tactic (or both). Am awaiting more info from the brilliant @mikiperkins!