With the shut-down of paper mills it feels like there is a real chance of ending native forest logging in Victoria.
I've just called the Premier's office and left a message asking for a halt to native forest logging and a just transition for workers. You can call on 03 9651 5000.
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #DanielAndrews #VictorianForests #VictorianForestAlliance #VFA
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #DanielAndrews #VictorianForests #victorianforestalliance #vfa
On @InThoseDays podcast we discussed the gliders court case with Felicity Law. This case was a big win for small community environment groups Kinglake Friends of the Forest, Gippsland Environment Group and Environment East Gippsland @KinglakeForest
VicForests is now required to properly survey forest before logging and protect glider habitat if they are found.
It could mean the end of native forest logging in Victoria and someone could make a movie about it, I reckon.
You can read more here: https://eastgippsland.net.au/eeg-media-releases/gliders-receive-court-protection-vicforests-found-to-have-broken-the-law/
And listen to Felicity here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5luP9loWl0MMcCIoNzl3q3
#GreaterGliders #VicForests #NativeForestLogging
On @InThoseDays we spoke to my cousin Felicity Law who has been involved in forest activism and the very successful greater glider court case in Victoria.
We looked back into the newspaper archives to see that threats to greater gliders from habitat loss was understood decades ago.
We no longer call them flying squirrels but VicForests is still cutting down their habitat.
#VicForests #GreaterGliders #NativeForestLogging #NewspaperArchives #Trove
#VicForests #GreaterGliders #NativeForestLogging #newspaperarchives #Trove
There is a 10-year-old in my family who has made a Christmas speech for the past four years. This is what they said this year:
“This speech, I wanted to be a little more motivational.
So Great Aunt Theresa, recently for Christmas, the gift she gave me was donating $250 to an organization about protecting the forest. Right here, this is an image of people who came before her. They were all loggers.
So to me this represents that good can come from anywhere. No matter how bad your fore, foref…whatever the previous generations were…you can always improve. You’re not bound to make the same mistakes as them. You can always change.
That’s my speech.”
@Coho There will be similarly harsh sentences for people protesting native forest logging in Victoria next year. I am pretty motivated to stand up to it.
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests
I feel a bit disconnected from those expressing great relief and happiness about the Victorian election result. I guess it's because I never thought the Coalition could win, but I had hopes and dreams for a hung parliament.
So rather than feeling relieved that Daniel Andrews is still Premier I'm contemplating all the work that needs to be done - for example to stop native forest logging and new gas projects.
A hung parliament wouldn't have solved all our problems, but it might have made it easier to get the changes we need.
Anyway, direct action ahoy.
#VicPol #VictorianElection #ClimateCrisis #NativeForestLogging #DirectAction #NoNewGas
#vicpol #victorianelection #ClimateCrisis #NativeForestLogging #DirectAction #nonewgas
I've just called the Victorian Premier's office about native forest logging. I used the info provided by Environmental Justice Australia.
After VicForest's recent court losses the government needs to choose whether to weaken environmental protections further, or end native forest logging and start the just transition for workers.
The Premier's office said they'd had "a number" of calls, so let's try to make the number as high as possible.
#NativeForestLogging #VicPol #JustTransition #VicForests
#NativeForestLogging #vicpol #justtransition #VicForests
Another report released about why native forest logging doesn't make sense. This time it's from a right-leaning think-tank Blueprint Institute.
This AFR article about the report contains some of the best anti-native logging quotes I've ever read!
This might be my favourite: "The native logging industry is propped up by government to protect an ever-decreasing number of jobs and placate misguided pressure from vested interests."
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #NativeForest #VictorianForests
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #NativeForest #VictorianForests
I'm impressed with this ABC article on old growth forest logging in Victoria by Michael Slezak.
The maps and graphics distill what can be an abstract and complicated discussion into a very clear picture of destruction.
#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #oldgrowth #journalism
#Introduction. I write books for young people - published by University of Queensland Press.
I've just finished a qualification in Information Management and would like to work in a public library. I love the National Library of Australia's digital archive Trove and have a podcast called In Those Days discussing newspaper articles that have a personal connection to a guest.
I try to mention the climate crisis a fair bit on social media. I'm particularly interested in the extent of fossil fuel sponsorships in Australia and how these extend social license.
I support campaigns to end native forest logging in Victoria.
I often analyse people through the prism of what netball position they play, or which BSC member they are most like. If I'm honest, I am a WD and a Mallory.
#ClimateAction #MiddleGrade #KidLit #AusLit #FossilAdBan #FossilFuelSponsorship #NativeForestLogging #VicForests #VictorianForests #Trove #GreaterGliders #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA #BSC #Netball
#Introduction #ClimateAction #middlegrade #kidlit #auslit #fossiladban #FossilFuelSponsorship #NativeForestLogging #VicForests #VictorianForests #Trove #GreaterGliders #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA #bsc #Netball
You are supposed to have a scary costume for Halloween so I dressed as CHEP pallets used by supermarkets. The pallets are made from native Victorian forests, the habitat of endangered species. Terrifying.
#Halloween2022 #NativeForestLogging #JustTransitionNow #VictorianForests #EndangeredSpecies #BiodiversityCrisis
#Halloween2022 #NativeForestLogging #JustTransitionNow #VictorianForests #endangeredspecies #biodiversitycrisis #CHEP
RT @ChristineMilne@twitter.com
@BobBurtonoz@twitter.com @murpharoo@twitter.com @msmarto@twitter.com Of course a Labor member who sought Lab preselection is going to say that. Another sufferer of amnesia. No mention of PMGillard/Greens clean energy package, ARENA, CEFC. No mention of #Scarborough #Beetaloo #Adani #NativeForestLogging I assume @Guardian@twitter.com will now run @Greens@twitter.com reply
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChristineMilne/status/1549537299524108289
#scarborough #beetaloo #adani #NativeForestLogging