@thinkMoult we need that for @FreeCAD #NativeIFC too!! I'd love it to have the same look as BBIM
Something of a milestone, a long screencast showing #BIM collaboration using #NativeIFC, #BlenderBIM and #Git.
With these tools we can design buildings collaboratively using a familiar fork, pull-request, and merge workflow
#bim #NativeIFC #BlenderBIM #git
Pity for the low resolution and the language (you can use the automatic translation), but this is excellent tutorial to #3D model an #industrial #structure in our beloved #freecad ❤️
In the future with #NativeIFC . Yes #OpenBIM #realparametric #parametriccad #cadparametric #madewithfreecad
#3d #industrial #structure #freecad #NativeIFC #openbim #realparametric #ParametricCAD #cadparametric #MadeWithFreeCAD
Remember that in our lovely REAL and UNIQUE #NativeIFC #OpenBIM #ParametricCAD :freecad: @FreeCAD SW you can use the #Renderworkbench to produce high-quality rendered images directly FROM your FANTASTIC #FreeCAD document, using open-source external rendering engines such as #BlenderCycles, #luxrender (now #LuxCoreRender)#PovRay, etc etc
#foss #madewithfreecad #realparametriccad #opensource #freesoftware #cad
#NativeIFC #openbim #ParametricCAD #renderworkbench #freecad #blendercycles #LuxRender #luxcorerender #thisistheway #foss #MadeWithFreeCAD #realparametriccad #opensource #freesoftware #cad
Here's another toy that might be useful for somebody. An add-on to let you manage #NativeIFC Git repositories in #BlenderBIM. Supports branching, visual diffs between versions, and experimental merging of branches: https://youtu.be/-Y5-LR4oik8
@paoloredaelli Qcad è quello che uso pure io ora, ma di fatto solo per i DWG che (purtroppo) mi mandano visto che il 99% delle persone usa Autocad (craccato, as usual). E' un bellissimo pezzo di Opensource pure quello, e sono ben contento di usare la versione a pagamento per sostenerlo (parlo di #Qcad tra l'altro costa pochissimo). Spero che con IFC le cose cambino e presto. #FreeCAD ora legge/scrive nativamente #IFC, lo stanno implementando in questo momento, c'è molto fermento. #nativeifc
#Qcad #freecad #ifc #NativeIFC
Big performance optimization coming to #NativeIFC addon! https://github.com/yorikvanhavre/FreeCAD-NativeIFC Now working with large IFC files is becoming doable in @FreeCAD
In #NativeIFC, geometry is completely optional. Build a full model and do quantity take-off without a single polygon! See how easy it is to create a wall and assign areas with #IfcOpenShell.
Neat demonstration of #OpenBIM #NativeIFC authoring right in the browser thanks to #OpenSource #IfcOpenShell. Click to draw new #ParametricIFC walls by Vincent Cadoret! https://ifcopenshell.github.io/wasm-preview/examples/draw_wall_on_click.html
#openbim #NativeIFC #opensource #ifcopenshell #parametricifc
#NativeIFC in @FreeCAD - Yorik's blog https://yorik.uncreated.net/blog/2022-006-nativeifc
This is great! More #NativeIFC for the world of #BIM & #OpenSource
@FreeCAD @thinkMoult @brunopostle
Basic IFC editing now working the #NativeIFC way in #FreeCAD. It's a start, but we're on the right path! https://github.com/yorikvanhavre/FreeCAD-NativeIFC @FreeCAD @thinkMoult @osarch @brunopostle
@thinkMoult @FreeCAD It's not related to #NativeIFC it's a wrong tag from me, sorry.
This is the power of FreeCAD Nodes in action! Awesome 😉
#freecad #nodes #freesoftware #realcad #nativeifc #architecture #foss #cad @FreeCAD
#cad #foss #architecture #NativeIFC #realcad #freesoftware #nodes #freecad
@kkremitzki That's so cool! 👍 #freecad #freesoftware #cad #NativeIFC @FreeCAD
#NativeIFC #cad #freesoftware #freecad
This is HUGE! You can now use #IfcOpenShell in the browser client-side. The full power of OpenCASCADE with hundreds of #NativeIFC authoring API functions available to you on the web!
Forking and merging #IFC data? Read an incredible whitepaper on #NativeIFC methodologies, explaining how #IFC applications can collaborate in a decentralized, distributed manner. https://osarch.org/2022/10/15/whitepaper-published-on-native-ifc-methodologies/