RT EU Environment
Re Are you one of the #Natura2000 heroes working hard 🏞️ #ForNature?
If yes, get the recognition you deserve and apply for the 2024 edition of the #Natura2000Awards by 29 September: https://europa.eu/!x3HWnF
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1689217753306021888
#Natura2000 #ForNature #Natura2000Awards #ForOurPlanet
RT Mission Ocean Waters
The @EU_Commission is proud to announce that the call for applications for the 2024 edition of the #Natura2000Awards is now open!
The recognition includes a special category for marine conservation. 🌊🐋
Applications are open until Sept. 29th 2023.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/OurMissionOcean/status/1686678536302518272
¿Quieres saber cómo ganar un premio Natura 2000 por tu proyecto de conservación de la naturaleza y biodiversidad? ¡Preséntate ahora!
🗓️ Candidaturas abiertas hasta el 29 de septiembre
#Natura2000Awards #Natura2000
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1683069452580159488
RT LIFE Programme
📢The LIFE newsletter for July is ready for you!
Here’s a sneak preview:
🌿#NatureRestorationLaw, a major win #ForOurPlanet
⚡️Meet the #LIFEprojects in the #SmartEnergyCluster
🏆The search for the next #Natura2000Awards winners
And more👉 http://europa.eu/!DxHYh9
#LIFEProgramme https://t.co/EUKHuirip4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1681565788421931008
#NatureRestorationLaw #ForOurPlanet #LIFEprojects #SmartEnergyCluster #Natura2000Awards #LIFEprogramme
🦅🌲🦌 Отново търсим най-добрите проекти за опазване и развитие на защитените зони на #Natura2000!
🇪🇺🏆 Ако участвате в такъв, кандидатствайте до 29 септември! Наградите #Natura2000Awards са заслужено признание за усилията на всички, които работят за нашата природа.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1681203251218194433
Sieć #Natura2000 to nasze zobowiązanie wobec środowiska naturalnego. Do 29 września można zgłaszać projekty do Nagród Natura 2000, które są przyznawane za doskonałe zarządzanie obszarami ochrony przyrody
↓ Dowiedz się więcej
#Natura2000Awards 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1679735728010563585
#LIFEprojects, represent!🙌
Your project could be among the winners of the 2024 #Natura2000Awards!
🎗️Applications are open until 29 September🗓️
If you're a champion of #nature & #biodiversity conservation, apply now 👉 http://europa.eu/!x3HWnF
#LIFEProgramme https://t.co/swpK9xG93q
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1679472322141626374
#LIFEprojects #Natura2000Awards #nature #biodiversity #Natura2000 #LIFEprogramme
Votre collectivité, association ou organisation porte un projet #Natura2000 exemplaire ? 🤔
Les #Natura2000Awards sont l'occasion de lui donner la reconnaissance qu'il mérite !
⏳ Candidatez jusqu'au 29 septembre ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEFrance/status/1677656276002803712
The “Fishermen and Seabirds, Allies for the Sea” project, a #Natura2000Awards 2022 winner, celebrates in 🇵🇹 with @EU_ENV Biodiversity Director @HumbertoDRosa1
The project helps reduce accidental bycatch, safeguard seabirds & promote sustainable fishing 👉 https://europa.eu/!RxBMTb https://t.co/1zTP4MCc68
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1674674206309781505
🇪🇺🏆🇵🇹 Combater as mortes de aves marinhas causadas por artes da pesca foi o primeiro projeto português distinguido nos #Natura2000Awards, na categoria Conservação Marinha 🎣
📅 30/6, 10h, irá decorrer uma apresentação deste projeto no Centro Cultural do @MuniPeniche ⬇️ https://t.co/dc8PfRJc9G
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CE_PTrep/status/1672300021683765271
Re #Natura2000Awards💙🇵🇹O projeto premiado da MedAves Pesca pretende a mitigação da captura acidental de aves marinhas por artes de pesca e foi coordenado pela @spea_birdlife, em parceria com a Associação para o Desenvolvimento de Peniche, junto da comunidade piscatória de Peniche. https://t.co/yKBnPgIM2N
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CE_PTrep/status/1672300024800133238
RT @stopcortaderia: Noja acoge la celebración del #PremiosNatura2000 al LIFE #StopCortaderia acompañados por la ciudadanía, miembros del proyecto y personas con #discapacidad
@EU_ENV @LIFEprogramme #Natura2000Awards #StopCortaderia #PremiosNatura2000 https://t.co/kE4p9k3Zxs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1667180489956884480
#PremiosNatura2000 #StopCortaderia #discapacidad #Natura2000Awards
Votre collectivité, association ou organisation porte un projet #Natura2000 exemplaire ? 🤔
Les #Natura2000Awards sont l'occasion de lui donner la reconnaissance qu'il mérite !
⏳ Candidatez jusqu'au 29 septembre ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEFrance/status/1664972702870827008
📢 Our May Newsletter is out!
Get your monthly updates on the #EUGreenDeal:
🌱 #EUGreenWeek 2023 is around the corner
📺 Our new TV Magazine #TheRoadToGreen with @euronews
📣 Call for #Natura2000Awards 2024 is open
...and much more!
Subscribe now 📨 https://europa.eu/!VwhpHP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1663900635694092289
#EUGreenDeal #EUGreenWeek #TheRoadToGreen #Natura2000Awards
RT @EU_ENV: 📢 Our May Newsletter is out!
Get your monthly updates on the #EUGreenDeal:
🌱 #EUGreenWeek 2023 is around the corner
📺 Our new TV Magazine #TheRoadToGreen with @euronews
📣 Call for #Natura2000Awards 2024 is open
...and much more!
Subscribe now 📨 https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/env/newsletter-archives/45805 https://t.co/cd4KiBMWBj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1663902797329313792
#EUGreenDeal #EUGreenWeek #TheRoadToGreen #Natura2000Awards
RT @EU_ENV: 📢 Our May Newsletter is out!
Get your monthly updates on the #EUGreenDeal:
🌱 #EUGreenWeek 2023 is around the corner
📺 Our new TV Magazine #TheRoadToGreen with @euronews
📣 Call for #Natura2000Awards 2024 is open
...and much more!
Subscribe now 📨 https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/env/newsletter-archives/45805 https://t.co/cd4KiBMWBj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1663916372630331394
#EUGreenDeal #EUGreenWeek #TheRoadToGreen #Natura2000Awards
RT @EU_ENV: 📢 Our May Newsletter is out!
Get your monthly updates on the #EUGreenDeal:
🌱 #EUGreenWeek 2023 is around the corner
📺 Our new TV Magazine #TheRoadToGreen with @euronews
📣 Call for #Natura2000Awards 2024 is open
...and much more!
Subscribe now 📨 https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/env/newsletter-archives/45805 https://t.co/cd4KiBMWBj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1663910365443284993
#EUGreenDeal #EUGreenWeek #TheRoadToGreen #Natura2000Awards
🗓️El próximo 9/06 en Noja (#Cantabria) celebraremos el evento local de los ganadores del Premio #Natura2000 🌱en la categoría de Beneficios socio-económicos “Social inclusion and managing invasive alien species” @EU_ENV
🔗Más info: https://europa.eu/!TFnWMF
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1662466185311469568
#Cantabria #Natura2000 #Natura2000Awards
Congratulations to the #LIFEProject New Horizons #Natura2000Awards 2022 winner! 🎉🌲
The project promotes #Natura2000 in #Bulgaria & beyond, cherishing our precious natural
Today they celebrate their local event. More 👉http://bit.ly/42dpIUR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1662345427658719232
#LIFEproject #Natura2000Awards #Natura2000 #Bulgaria
RT @LIFE_TaskForce: 🏆Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή καθιέρωσε τα Βραβεία Natura 2000 για να γιορτάσει και να προωθήσει καλές πρακτικές διατήρησης της φύσης στην Ευρώπη.
📆Η υποβολή αιτήσεων για τα Βραβεία 2024 ξεκίνησε σήμερα έως και τις 29/9/23!
#Natura2000Awards @LIFEprogramme https://t.co/qyTNDsSOqt
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1660651615706128390