🚨#NatureEmergency🚨: Täglich sterben massenhaft Tiere & Pflanzen aus! Auch ihre Lebensräume gehen unwiederbringlich verloren. Hilf uns, Natur & #Artenvielfalt 🐢🐝🐳 zu schützen und damit unsere Lebensgrundlage zu retten! https://act.gp/3rf5gmi
#NatureEmergency #artenvielfalt
Just published in @Nature with @unaipasku et al: paper based on @ipbes #ValuesAssessment where we underline the need to shift social & institutional values away from emphasis on GDP growth & material accumulation to community-based, sustainability aligned values. Plus check out the fab new IPBES values typology!
#ValuesAssessment #sustainability #sustainabilityscience #biodiversity #NatureEmergency #globalbiodiversityframework #ecosystemservices #ecologicalcrises #ecologicaleconomics
Our human-centric, exploitative & extractive way of living is driving the #NatureEmergency, an integral part of the #ClimateEmergency.
#Gardening won’t save us but #gardening can change us.
Garden for #wildlife, use #NativePlants where possible. Grow some of your own food, it tastes better and feels better too. Plant some trees, little ones if need be. Make a #ForestGarden.
Here’s a free preview of my Native Plants class:
#forestgarden #nativeplants #wildlife #gardening #climateemergency #NatureEmergency
We’re living through a mass extinction event, and #ecology isn’t taught at UK schools.
Why? Is it because if we knew what we were doing, we would stop? Or just because ecology doesn't make any money?
Is there such a thing as #RadicalEcology, like there is #RadicalAnthropology?! @RadicalAnthro
#climateemergency #NatureEmergency #radicalanthropology #radicalecology #ecology
#GreenRebels outside #Defra, part of #TheBigOne #climate demo
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
Photo by Prince from Holland
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #climate #thebigone #defra #GreenRebels
The Puffins are on the march! #BiodiversityMarch for #TheBigOne #climate demo
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
video by Jan
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
The Puffins are out in force on the #BiodiversityMarch at #TheBigOne #climate demo!
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #saveourseas #PlanetBeforeProfit #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
So many people on the #BiodiversityMarch for #TheBigOne #climate demo that it slowed right down!
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
Photo by Bethany from West Wales!
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
#BiodiversityMarch at #TheBigone #climate demo about to meet itself leaving the starting point!
💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
Video by Lynda Duffill
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
XR Aberteifi’s very own Audley is at the front of the #BiodiversityMarch on #TheBigOne #climate demo. You are *all* heroes 😍 💚 💚 💚
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
Photo from XR UK
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
Mass die-in on #BiodiversityMarch at #TheBigOne #climate demo
We are *in* a mass extinction event. If we don't change course, thousands of species will go extinct & whole ecosystems will collapse. This is NOT GOOD. *Now* is the time for action #UniteToSurvive
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
Video by Robert Painter
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #unitetosurvive #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
#PlanetBeforeProfit banner on the #BiodiversityMarch at #TheBigOne #climate demo
#ClimateEmergency #NatureEmergency #ClimateJustice
Photo by Sinead, #WestWalesClimateCoalition
#westwalesclimatecoalition #climatejustice #NatureEmergency #climateemergency #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch #PlanetBeforeProfit
The #UniteForNature #biodiversity march starts!
#UniteToSurvive at #TheBigOne #climate demo #London
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #westwalesclimatecoalition #london #climate #thebigone #unitetosurvive #biodiversity #unitefornature
Dirty Water and Digital Rebellion have created an action everyone can join in, wherever you are.
💩 Let’s dump emails, tweets and messages on the water companies, like they dump raw sewage in our rivers!
#climateemergency #NatureEmergency
This is a biggie for #environmental protections in #Wales, we could lose a great deal very quickly.
#Senedd votes to refuse consent for Retained EU Law Bill
#NatureEmergency #climatecrisis #climateemergency #senedd #wales #environmental
I use an online trade service to look for #GardenDesign work, and I despair. Maybe ⅔ of people have artificial turf in their requirements 😱
We need a *culture shift* and a ban on artificial turf. And a massive redistribution of wealth in society whilst we’re at it, people need time & resources to look after their gardens.
#climateemergency #NatureEmergency #wildlifegardening #gardendesign
It was an honour to open the Ian Gregg River Tweed Academy this morning. Hands on learning for students about the life and ecosystems of the river. Such a brilliant initiative to get the local community engaged with the #NatureEmergency
A glorious morning at the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh to announce the next round of the Nature Restoration Fund. The NRF is a core part of the Bute House Agreement and our commitment to tackle the #NatureEmergency The project I visited project is about cultivating some of Scotland's rarest and most threatened trees and plants.
🚨#NatureEmergency🚨: Täglich sterben massenhaft Tiere & Pflanzen aus! Auch ihre Lebensräume gehen unwiederbringlich verloren. Hilf uns, Natur & #Artenvielfalt 🐢🐝🐳 zu schützen und damit unsere Lebensgrundlage zu retten! https://act.gp/3rf5gmi
#NatureEmergency #Artenvielfalt
Whilst #gardening, I think about #politics, #philosophy & #economics a lot. The #NatureEmergency & #ClimateEmergency are the outcomes of #colonialism & #exploitation, a failure of #capitalism.
How we garden is not separate from this. Gardens created solely for humans using non-native plants are an expression of this colonial outlook.
I’ve started reading David Graeber’s ‘Debt’ & it’s providing some fascinating insights…
#capitalism #exploitation #colonialism #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #economics #philosophy #politics #gardening