New data in #NatureMedicine again tells us that even short, unplanned bursts of #PhysicalActivity can contribute to a longer, healthier life.
#NatureMedicine #physicalactivity
Fixing America's #EatingHabits is quite an ambition, but a serious effort will need to do more than offer coaching to a few people in grocery stores.
New in #NatureMedicine.
More broadly, we must continue to address gender disparities for #WomenInMedicine. As a member of the Academic Achievement Committee of the Clinical Research Forum we published in #NatureMedicine a framework of action to retain women in academic medicine: 10/end
#WomenInMedicine #NatureMedicine
Genetic risk factors can explain a sizable number of healthy life years lost both at the individual and population level.
#bioinformatics #genomics #journalclub #NatureMedicine