#Moor - unser Verbündeter im #Klimaschutz + Anpassung gegen Klimawandelfolgen!
Im #NatureRestorationLaw brauchen wir klare Vorgaben zur Revitalisierung. Dafür werde ich weiter kämpfen.
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LIFE Programme: Time for a throwback to the #LIFEAwards23!🕒
The #LIFEProject LIFE Peat Restore has been restoring #Peatlands to reduce carbon emissions💚
Find out what makes them so special👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaPaulusRLP/status/1689955596903010304
#Moor #Klimaschutz #NatureRestorationLaw #LIFEAwards23 #LIFEproject #peatlands
Wie soll das gehen, @ManfredWeber, in Deutschland die AfD bekämpfen und in Europa mit der ID zusammenarbeiten wie bei Deinem Kampf gegen das #naturerestorationlaw?
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Manfred Weber: Die AfD möchte in #Europa all das zerstören, was #CDU und #CSU von Adenauer und Strauß über Kohl und Waigel bis Merkel aufgebaut haben. Das ist eine Kriegserklärung der AfD an Europa und die Union, die wir mit aller Kraft bekämpfen werden. https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/weber-eu-evp-afd-meloni-100.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bueti/status/1689386308358029312
#NatureRestorationLaw #Europa #CDU #CSU
U današnjem izdanju @vecernji_list o stanju hrvatskog koćarstva i #NatureRestorationLaw koji podržava zaštitu bioraznolikosti, ali ne vodi računa o stvarnim potrebama ribara.
Na isto sam upozorila više puta u @europarl_en te u lipnju prilikom sastanka s udrugom koćara na Hvaru.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZovkoEU/status/1687487205948727296
⏪ Listen Back
"Farming and rural communities will be safeguarded with the new Nature Restoration Law."
🎙️ @OceanFmIreland
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1686316409230434304
Today is #NatureConservationDay.
We must protect & #RestoreNature in order to survive.
2 weeks ago, we saved the #NatureRestorationLaw.
Together, we'll keep on mobilising to protect climate & nature.
Without nature, there is no food. Without nature, there is no future.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1684826270859730945
#NatureConservationDay #RestoreNature #NatureRestorationLaw
Nach dem neuen #NatureRestorationLaw dürfen keine Naturflächen zusätzlich versiegelt werden, wenn nicht eins zu eins ausgeglichen wird - in der Stadt! Wo sollen in Hamburg 10ha Wald aufgeforstet werden?Ach, geht nicht?Na dann bleibt der WiWa wohl da, wo er ist? #WilderWaldBleibt
Dabei darf es nicht sein, "dass in Villenvierteln Beton aufgebrochen wird, während man diejenigen, die Natur am dringendsten brauchen, zubetoniert."
#NatureRestorationLaw #wilderwaldbleibt
🚣♀️ War bisserl still hier die letzten Tage. Sorry, einfach zu viel Arbeit. U.a. am #RestoreNature bzw #NatureRestorationLaw. Hierzu mein Blog-Beitrag 👇 https://blogs.nabu.de/naturschaetze-retten/nrl-parlament/
#RestoreNature #NatureRestorationLaw
Erster Trilog zum Gesetz zur Rettung der Natur #NatureRestorationLaw:
Gemeinsamer Anspruch, ein Kompromiss auszuhandeln, der
▶️ Artenvielfalt Europas erhält
▶️ Klimaziele in Reichweite bringt
▶️ Internationale Verpflichtungen aus Kunming-Montreal-Abkommen erfüllt.
Let's go! https://t.co/CPjGtOlFNp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaPaulusRLP/status/1681709783588405256
RT LIFE Programme
📢The LIFE newsletter for July is ready for you!
Here’s a sneak preview:
🌿#NatureRestorationLaw, a major win #ForOurPlanet
⚡️Meet the #LIFEprojects in the #SmartEnergyCluster
🏆The search for the next #Natura2000Awards winners
And more👉 http://europa.eu/!DxHYh9
#LIFEProgramme https://t.co/EUKHuirip4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LIFEprogramme/status/1681565788421931008
#NatureRestorationLaw #ForOurPlanet #LIFEprojects #SmartEnergyCluster #Natura2000Awards #LIFEprogramme
🗞️ IN THE NEWS @themayonews
'She called on the Irish government to negotiate dedicated funding for Irish farmers, outside of CAP, in order to make nature restoration a realistic possibility.'
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1681207824846667776
There are indications that the Far Right will make gains in next year's #EU Elections - Following the alliance between @EPPGroup and Far Right in fighting against #RestoreNature , it will not be a surprise to see #EPP drift even further to the Right than they already are...
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Mick Wallace: The @EPPGroup +Far Right partners failed to stop #NatureRestorationLaw - A good day for Nature + Farmers. Sadly they did manage to gut it. Commission + Council are now more progressive than Parliament - worrying times. Is #EPP alliance with Far Right a marker for next elections.? https://t.co/efRSa5BENh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1680975965797638146
#EU #RestoreNature #EPP #NatureRestorationLaw
"The EPP has been spreading misinformation" - @silviamodig debates #NatureRestorationLaw result & the need to rehabilitate damaged ecosystems with @peterliese, @MChahim & @MeabhMcMahon.
via @euronews https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/07/15/brussels-my-love-draft-eu-nature-law-survives-major-hurdle-in-strasbourg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1680560357947891717
The @EPPGroup +Far Right partners failed to stop #NatureRestorationLaw - A good day for Nature + Farmers. Sadly they did manage to gut it. Commission + Council are now more progressive than Parliament - worrying times. Is #EPP alliance with Far Right a marker for next elections.? https://t.co/efRSa5BENh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1680535090311438338
….a wśród nas nadal jest wiele i wielu takich, którzy głosują przeciwko prawu o odtwarzaniu natury… #NatureRestorationLaw. Internet jest pełen hejtu i fałszywych informacji na temat tego dokumentu. Zaraz się z pewnością pojawią też tu👇🏻… Ludzie! Nie udawajcie, że nie widzicie!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rozathun/status/1680533927147053056
Positive Climate News 🪻 this week
🇪🇺 EU says YES to Nature Restoration Law
🌴 1/3 less deforestation in Colombia - 50.000 hectares of forest saved
🪣 New bioplastic made from spirulina
🌱 Bringing back extinct plants in lab
✈️ Court rules people matter more than KLM
🔋 Lithium battery life boosted by 22-44%
#PositiveClimateNews #NatureRestorationLaw
#positiveclimatenews #NatureRestorationLaw
Diese Woche habe ich mich aus guten Gründen gegen noch mehr EU-Naturschutzauflagen ausgesprochen. Daraufhin zeigte #GretaThunberg, die die Abstimmung auf der Bühne verfolgte, mir und meinen Kollegen den #Mittelfinger.
#NatureRestorationLaw @CDU_CSU_EP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/peterliese/status/1679872721721671681
#gretathunberg #mittelfinger #NatureRestorationLaw
It was good that the #NatureRestorationLaw passed, but it has been gutted by #EPP and their Far Right partners - Rapporteur @cesarluena is very impressive but has a massive challenge at Trilogue to make things good - pretending otherwise is living the lie...
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Louise Guillot: Now that the 🇪🇺Parliament has adopted its position on the controversial Nature Restoration Regulation, let's try to understand what's in it 🧶
(If I got something wrong or forgot anything, please tell me. We don't have the consolidated text just yet)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1679858426300493824
"In the wake of the hottest week since records began, the passing of a gutted nature restoration law feels very much like a scorched earth victory."
@AnRabhartaGlas Party Leader, Cork City Councillor, and MEP Ireland South Candidate Lorna Bogue on how the #NatureRestorationLaw debacle is a climate failure.
#eupolitics #irishpolitics #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatebreakdown #greenpolitics #climatepolitics #europeanunion #eu #biodiversity #EUGreenDeal #ireland
#ireland #EUGreenDeal #biodiversity #eu #europeanunion #climatepolitics #greenpolitics #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecrisis #irishpolitics #eupolitics #NatureRestorationLaw
Re @l_guillot The text adopted by @EUparliament on the #NatureRestorationLaw can be found here:
On overall target: 20% of ALL land area and ALL sea area is probably more than 30% of degraded ecosystems.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaPaulusRLP/status/1679845892336091136
Re La protagonista n'ha estat la proposta de la #NatureRestorationLaw, peça clau de l’#EUGreenDeal. L’@EPPGroup i l'extrema dreta no van poder aturar-ne l’aprovació. Tanmateix, van aprovar-se esmenes que en rebaixen el text. Ara, comencen les negociacions amb Comissió i Consell. https://t.co/Nyig0eiwmJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClaraPonsati/status/1679840028527132676
#NatureRestorationLaw #EUGreenDeal