Nabi Musa, #Palestine, for the #NazarethChallenge October 2022 - looking forward to our next ride - probably 2024.
My t-shirt from the 2016 #NazarethChallenge - seems like forever ago - the dawn of Brexit and Trump - we were on the Lebanese border the day he won the US election... but we keep working to make things better.
@blaine #Nazareth is a real place; we cycled there a couple of weeks ago for the #NazarethChallenge - to raise money for the *amazing* Nazareth Hospital - check out our thrills & spills! :-)
Playing with Shotcut (free video editor) to smooth out some very shaky GoPro footage from our #NazarethChallenge bike ride - not perfect, but a pretty decent job. Before and After...
A wee video I made of the #NazarethChallenge #NazBike22 in October - biking #Israel-#Palestine for the #Nazareth Hospital - enjoy! #BikeTooter
#NazarethChallenge #NazBike22 #israel #palestine #Nazareth #BikeTooter
A wee video I made of the #NazarethChallenge #NazBike22 in October - biking #Israel-#Palestine for the #Nazareth Hospital - enjoy!
[do twitter videos work in Mastodon?]
#NazarethChallenge #NazBike22 #israel #palestine #Nazareth
Aha - photo has come through at last! Here's my mate Rick before our triumphal entry to Nazareth Hospital on the #NazarethChallenge 2022 - read about our 2019 escapades here:
Here's a short write-up of the #NazarethChallenge bike ride from 2019 - we did it again just the other week, and it was *awesome*, so expect more about this in the near future...
#Nazareth "English" Hospital is the oldest and most historic hospital in Israel-Palestine. It's an incredible link between east and west, and a beacon of hope for the region.