Wewelsburg Castle in Germany was a favorite of the SS and Hitler. All were occultists. They built a ritual room with a swastika on the ceiling in the north tower. Another main hall had a black sun logo on the floor. The black sun logo is the same one being used by the Nazis in Ukraine and can be seen on their uniforms. High-level occult lineages are filled with Nazis, and both Germany and the Ukraine are seats of occult power and high-level bloodlines. #veronicaswiftblog #occult #hitlergermany #blackmagic #defensemagick #blacksun #naziblacksun #naziukraine #ukraine #germany
#veronicaswiftblog #occult #hitlergermany #blackmagic #defensemagick #blacksun #naziblacksun #NaziUkraine #ukraine #germany
Why the #Zionist #MSM is Censoring the #Truth about #Ukraine. #USA has already admitted that it is running 46 #Biolabs there but nobody knows for what purpose & everybody knows that it is #NaziUkraine
RT @NormalN7
Lowkey: why there is censorship on Ukraine https://youtu.be/Qy0y1BogcbI via @YouTube
#zionist #msm #truth #ukraine #usa #biolabs #NaziUkraine
@VRSoloiev @blackintheempir @josh_hammer @GarlandNixon Is #NaziUkraine about to use some of those #chemicalweapons it has been developing in #USA's 46 #biolabs it has operated in #Ukraine for more than a decade?
#NaziUkraine #chemicalweapons #usa #biolabs #ukraine
#Serbia rockets are being bought by #Canada and forwarded to #NaziUkraine
RT @PeImeniPusha
Serbian-made rockets to the Grad were found at the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Canada bought them, sent them from Serbia to Turkey, to Slovakia, to Ukraine. Such a long detour is needed, obviously, so that Belgrade does not find out in time and does not block the deal
Under #Zionist @ZelenskyyUa's rule, #NaziUkraine has gone back to the #ThirdReich where mob rule is often practised where they act as judge and jury and inflict punishment on any #Ukrainians they want to accuse of cooperating with #Russia
RT @greekegoi
Why is this not in the BBC News😡 https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1629970116040351746
#zionist #NaziUkraine #thirdreich #ukrainians #russia
This is what citizens of #NaziUkraine has been dishing out since 2014 and much worse, but the #Zionist Western Press want us to believe it all started last year!
RT @DrLoupis
What’s going on in Ukraine, really? Don’t we have a right to know, with all the billions of dollars we are sending? https://t.co/ldCck7WqHW
If you are #Ukrainian you can do any amount of noise in a protest that you want as the #Zionist @Conservatives @SuellaBraverman only pass laws against #British citizens and orders the #Police to keep out of #NaziUkraine protests
RT @fierce__calm
The Ukranians singing their anthem outside the Russian Embassy in London last night. Goosebumps. Tears. And I'm more motivated than ever to return to Ukraine on Tuesday.
#ukrainian #zionist #british #police #NaziUkraine
#ApartheidIsrael and #NaziUkraine comes ahead of #poor and #homeless #Americans, specially the #veterans in @JoeBiden books
RT @jimmy_dore
Biden is blocking sick leave & crushing railroad unions at home but he’s really committed to making Ukrainians lives better cuz he’s a humanitarian. Ukrainians will have all the help they need including healthcare,clean water, pensions etc. We should change our name to Ukraine. https://twitter.co…
#veterans #americans #Homeless #poor #NaziUkraine #apartheidisrael
#NaziUkraine #Zionist @ZelenskyUa
was laughing at the signing of the #MinskAgreements because it was a mockery and showed his intentions then to ignore it and continue its #genocide against #Ukrainians in the #Donbass
Quote Tweet
Feb 20
Why would Vladimir Putin ever rely on that what Western leaders promise?
They never took him seriously from the start.
Angela Merkel has admitted she was only buying time to rearm the Ukrainian army.
Richard on Twitter
#donbass #ukrainians #genocide #MinskAgreements #Zionist #NaziUkraine
No money to take care of #UK's #Children #healthcare but plenty of money to buy #tanks and #ammunitions for #NaziUkraine to continue its #genocide against #Ukrainians of the #Donbass
RT @tykestakeonit
Typical Tories. Plenty of time and money to fuel a war. But when it comes to the NHS, no time or money. 🤨🚑🚀💰
#donbass #ukrainians #genocide #NaziUkraine #ammunitions #tanks #Healthcare #children #UK
@SocialaistNHS @doctor_oxford And @torysewageparty says there is no money for the #Frontline workers but they seem to have plenty for #wars and #NaziUkraine
RT @Ishaq_Aslam
I am uncertain if the spending on North Atlantic terrorist organisation is seen as different from the rest of UK war machine
RT @jacksonhinklle
Ukraine’s celeb-propagandist Paul Ma(SS)aro tweeted this Nazi glorification out then deleted it.
Legit Banderite.
📃 Operation Belladonna
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️ #CIA #Declassified #AbolishTheCIA #Putin #OUN #abolishNATO #NaziUkraine #WW2 #History #Facts #USA #Communist #USSR #podcast #Military #nazism #Nazi #UPA #Fascism #Russia #RussianUkrainianWar
#ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #cia #declassified #AbolishTheCIA #putin #oun #abolishNATO #NaziUkraine #ww2 #history #facts #usa #communist #ussr #podcast #military #nazism #nazi #upa #fascism #russia #RussianUkrainianWar
Even wat leesvoer voor elke #PutinsPuppet en #FVD aanhanger die in de #NaziUkraine propaganda gestonken is
#NaziUkraine #fvd #putinspuppet
Le mec a le pif plein de coke....
Kherson ville fantôme.
#FautArreterDeNousPrendrePourDesCons #cenestpasmaguerre #cenestpasnotreguerre #zelenskyestpourri #NaziUkraine
RT @adnashmyash: BREAKING: A Russian prisoner of war told an unexpected truth to a journalist about the Nazis and fascists in Ukraine!
Watch till the end!!!
RT @AxelLeReer
Het westen heeft het over “schijnreferenda”, maar als dat zo is, wat dan nog? Het westen heeft zelf immers schijt aan “ECHTE REFERENDA“ want toen NL tegen de #EU-grondwet stemde, en tegen de associatie met #NaziUkraine stemde werd dat genegeerd! https://www.ninefornews.nl/dit-zeggen-de-oost-oekrainers-zelf-over-de-schijnreferenda/
RT @rubio_chef@twitter.com
Il nazionalismo ucraino inventato e il nazismo ucraino spiegati in breve, affinché anche i tifosi di Mentana possano comprendere senza che gli si stanchino gli occhi e gli si frigga il cervello https://youtu.be/jpzw1llk_OI #NaziUkraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineRussianWar #Ucraina
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rubio_chef/status/1523249566719512576
#ucraina #UkraineRussianWar #UkraineRussiaWar #NaziUkraine
E' #goliardia... son casi isolati...
RT @GNN1960@twitter.com
@Montecitorio@twitter.com @Palazzo_Chigi@twitter.com @Quirinale@twitter.com @Europarl_IT@twitter.com #UkraineRussiaWar #Zelensky #NaziUkraine https://twitter.com/GSpelunca/status/1508767481963466752
#NaziUkraine #zelensky #UkraineRussiaWar #goliardia