More needle fun. This one is huge and rather scary looking.
I think it's called a sack needle. Any idea of what they are for? How they are used?
#sewing #Needle #whatisthisthing
Found this needle in some inherited sewing supplies. Any ideas on what it is for?
#sewing #Needle #whatisthisthing
Stich one two
I'll buckle my shoe
My mother's knee
#575Prompt @aethelshane @yieng #needle
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#Childhood #NurseryRhyme
#575prompt #Needle #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #childhood #nurseryrhyme
Imperial loot
Cleopatra's Needle
Whose burden?
#575Prompt @aethelshane @yieng #needle
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#Political #Egypt #Colonialism
Image source:
#575prompt #Needle #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #political #egypt #colonialism
needle dum fought needle dee until the raven
needle dum fought needle dee what a hassle
Original vs. Fixed
#575Prompt @aethelshane @yieng #needle
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#Silly #Puns #ThroughTheLookingGlass
illustration by BY: JOHN TENNIEL
#monoku #575prompt #Needle #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #silly #throughthelookingglass #lewiscarroll #puns
See? They do teach you useful skills in the army.
#miniatures #sewing #makers #Needle
@NiaMolinari Exactamundo. When husband and I talk about certain folks,
Me: So-and-so is STILL on my list.
Him: lol Okay, settle down, Arya.
#Needle #list #Ninja #johnwick
Letting kids play their CARDs (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) to help cope with needle-related fear and pain: Results from user testing
#Children #Needle #Vaccination #Pain #Fear
#children #Needle #vaccination #pain #fear
Letting kids play their CARDs (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) to help cope with needle-related fear and pain: Results from user testing
#Children #Needle #Vaccination #Pain #Fear
#children #Needle #vaccination #pain #fear
Letting kids play their CARDs (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) to help cope with needle-related fear and pain: Results from user testing
#Children #Needle #Vaccination #Pain #Fear
#children #Needle #vaccination #pain #fear
The NY Times Needle taking a lunch break? WTF?
#elections #electionday #Needle