Well... my favorite search engine for the last year+ will be shutting down tomorrow. Neeva, you were a great product while you lasted.
I really think there's a market for a user centric, software as a service, not users as a service search engine.
If anyone happens to know of another, just let me know.
#Neeva #search #searchengine #goodbye #internet
@dazmoriarty It’s always useful to have another search tool in the toolbox. But I’ll keep #Neeva low on my list until I learn more about it, like where it gets its index from and how it profits if there is no ad revenue.
@dazmoriarty I did a search for a recipe, and 4 of the 1st 7 results were #Cloudflare sites. So, #Neeva is certainly not as useful as #Ombrelo.
Tech (Global News): What is Neeva? ‘Privacy-first, ads-free’ search engine launched in Canada https://globalnews.ca/news/9344619/neeva-search-engine-canada/ #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #adsfreesearchengine #searchengineNeeva #NeevainCanada #PrivacyRights #SearchEngine #SearchTrends #NeevaCanada #techprivacy #whatisNeeva #CanadaNews #Canada #Google #Neeva #Tech
#globalnews #technews #technology #adsfreesearchengine #searchengineNeeva #NeevainCanada #privacyrights #searchengine #SearchTrends #NeevaCanada #techprivacy #whatisNeeva #CanadaNews #Canada #google #Neeva #Tech
Der neue Konkurrent der Suchmaschine Google ist nun im europäischen Raum & in der Sprache deutsch verfügbar: Die Suchmaschine namens #Neeva wurde von zwei ehemaligen Google-Mitarbeitern entwickelt & verspricht keine Anzeigen, Werbung oder Affiliate Links anzuzeigen. Wie sich die #Suchmaschine finanziert & welche Funktionen sie den Nutzern bereitstellt, erfahrt ihr hier:
Google Search iragarkiekin finantzatzen da. Gero eta iragarki gehigo ditu eta bere erabiltzaileen datuak biltzea eta erabiltzaileak iragarki gehiagotan klik eginaraztea, dena da bat.
#Googleren negozio eredua hori bada, zergatik ez egin harpidetzarekin dabilen bilatzaile bat? Googleren merkatuaren zati oso txiki bat izanda ere, ekonomikoki bideragarria litzateke eta pribatutasuna errespetatuz gauza berri asko egiteko aukera zabalduko luke.
#Neeva horretaz doa: