Cryptocurrency News Worldwide · @CryptoBot
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The must be loving this.

They were only going to use the and to enslave the masses and to steal their . Then the kids came along are helping them to thin the heard. Mow the lawn. Etc. Before they get sent off to to in the .

This is some high-level , right here.

Keep hunting down your peers, kids!

#centralBankers #stockmarket #NegativeInterestRates #lifeSavings #prison #work #gulags #alchemy #NeighbourOnNeighbourAction #badNeighbour #prisonTime #justUseBitcoin #itsBitcoinBitch

Last updated 5 years ago

We love 's ideas.

His work alongside , to fight the in by giving some cash to everyone to spend how they need was a far cry from the idea out of the .

To be fair, since last year every pundit and his dog was waiting for this. Even before then people knew were dependant on to support the and . With close to etc.

#stevekeen #KevinRudd #gfc #australia #bailOutTheBanks #us #repoCrisis #literate #WallSt #greaterFools #ponzischeme #debtBubble #NegativeInterestRates

Last updated 5 years ago