To get a comprehensive list of #neuropeptides, we combined #bioinformatic screening and mass spectrometry in collaboration with Amanda Kieswetter and Liesbet Temmerman at KU Leuven. We found 15 new proneuropeptides and confirmed the endogenous processing (cleavage, amidation etc) of many of them. #Nematostella has at least 33 neuropeptide precursors.
#cnidaria #neuroscience
#cnidaria #neuropeptides #bioinformatic #Nematostella #neuroscience
In our new preprint we characterise neuropeptide signalling in the cnidarian #Nematostella.
Daniel Thiel and Luis Yanez-Guerra screened 64 neuropeptides against 161 G-protein coupled receptors (#GPCR) and found activating peptide ligands for 31 receptors.
#cnidaria #neuropeptide #evolution #neuroscience
#neuropeptide #evolution #neuroscience #Nematostella #GPCR #cnidaria
There will be new #postdoc and #PhD openings, if you are interested to work with us, please get in touch. Possible topics include #Platynereis neurobiology, eye #evolution, #connectomics, the behaviour of ciliated #larvae etc. You can work on a growing selection of organisms kept in the lab, including Platynereis (still our no. 1), #Trichoplax, #Nematostella or join more exotic projects investigating hard-to-culture marine animals including polyclads, hemichordates or amphioxus.
#phd #Platynereis #evolution #connectomics #larvae #Trichoplax #Nematostella #postdoc