@Gotped @99nicu I'd like to use #NeoIPC for interdisciplinary topics around infection prevention and control in neonatology.
At the moment this also happens to be a EU funded research project but there is a nice clinical practice network growing out of it ( https://neoipc.org/clinical-practice-network/ ) and the hashtag and the network are definitely meant to outlive the funding period of the project.
@ESPNIC_Society @99nicu the summary has been published on the #NeoIPC website now: https://neoipc.org/insights-from-the-cpn-webinar-on-outbreak-management-in-neonatal-intensive-care-units/
On Thursday next week I'll be on a panel discussing the management of outbreaks in the #nicu in a webminar by and for the #NeoIPC clinical practice network (CPN).
If you are a healthcare professional working in #neonatology, you may want to have a look at https://neoipc.org/nicu-outbreaks-webinar-registration/ and register for the CPN and the webminar.
CC: @ESPNIC_Society, @99nicu
#neonews #neonatology #NeoIPC #nicu