Great opportunity for #Neolatin|ists: The Seminarium Philologicum at KU Leuven is offering scholarships again:
interesting event for digital #Neolatin|ists: 25/26 May. #LiLa
LiLa Closing Event | LiLa: Linking Latin
via the Classicist mailing list:
Conference "The Wrong Direction" 2023 | University of Tübingen
Infomation on the recently deceased Craig Kallendorf only on German #Wikipedia? This could changed, couldn't it, @neolatin ?
(potential) #Neolatin authors on #Wikidata without a VIAF ID, grouped by their country of birth:
@anwagnerdreas That's a great topic, a performant tool for reference detection would be very desirable for the corpus of #Neolatin texts.
Just seen that the Oslo group working on Fascist #Neolatin Literature (or rather: the use of Latin in Italian fascism) has set up a website with texts and further info:
#Neolatin publication: Festschrift for Johann Ramminger with a focus on Neolatin #lexicography. Open Access 👉
🔖 #Neolatin publication: Li Calzi, G. & Moul, V., (2022) “Anglo-Latin macaronic verse in early modern England: A new survey of manuscript evidence”, Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures . doi:
#NeoLatin #manuscripts #earlymodern
Thanks to 🔖 Löbcke, Konrad, und Paul Reichetanz. 2019. „Praising through Intertext. On Jakob Liefer’s Literary Technique in the Neo-Latin Epic Bellum Sundense“. Humanistica Lovaniensia 68 (2): 361–77. there are now 785 titles in the database of #NeoLatin
If you miss a title, let me know!
Glad to share this workshop announcement from #IANLS on digital #Neolatin studies: #Wikidata for Neo-Latinists in February next year. Details and link to the call can be found here:
peripherally #Neolatin publication publication: Gaber, Goran. 2022. „Forming the Corpus Criticorum (1450-1640): Bibliography, Title Pages, Dataset“. Journal of Open Humanities Data 8 (0): 28.
Very nice to see data publications in the field of historical bibliography. The Corpus contains 182 items and I guess it is not yet complete.
@neolatin @renaissance
I guess #ChatGPT still needs some #Neolatin ground truth to train on ... @neolatin @digneolatin
Great news! A new issue of Humanistica Lovaniensia has just been published:
@neolatin #Neolatin
new #Neolatin publication:
Carolus Quintus
Kaiser Karl V. in der neulateinischen Literatur / L'empereur Charles Quint dans la littérature néo-latine, Tübingen: Narr 2022, @neolatin
new #Neolatin publication @neolatin: Petrarch, De remdiis utriusque fortune, vol. 2, edition, translation, commentary by Ursula Blanck-Sangmeister and @huss
#Neolatin event on "Dutch Brazil in Print and Poetry" (28.11.22, hybrid)
Dear Neolatinists! As groups seem to be becoming a thing on #Mastodon, please note that there is a group on #Neolatin as well. Just follow @neolatin and tag it when you toot. Your toots will get boosted and be read by other Neolatinists.