The one-sided, partisan indoctrination by local media that the #Morton case blatantly exposes is frightening. The depth to which #profit and #greed of #neocapitalism has infiltrated the fourth estate should set all alarm bells ringing at maximum level.
Where are the cautionary voices? They will not defile each other, because one crow does not peck out the eyes of another. So are we now completely at the mercy of manipulative control by neoliberal ideologies? We should be worried. But the majority does not care, because they have long since given the thinking into their hands.
#Neocapitalism #greed #profit #morton
#Neocapitalism is tearing the world apart and plunging it into an unimagined dystopia. Meanwhile, #politics is peddling muzzies to stay the disastrous course. Driven by #profitgreed and the growing national fascist tendencies.
#profitgreed #Politics #Neocapitalism
People call it #prosperity and #progress, because of course it sounds better than #robbery and #slavery. But the cornerstones of #neocapitalism are destruction, exploitation and oppression. Self-deception, that is whitewashing one's misdeeds, is a necessary side effect.
#Neocapitalism #slavery #robbery #progress #prosperity
People call it #prosperity and #progress, because of course it sounds better than #robbery and #slavery. But the cornerstones of #neocapitalism are destruction, exploitation and oppression. Self-deception, that is whitewashing one's misdeeds, is a necessary side effect.
#Neocapitalism #slavery #robbery #progress #prosperity
People call it #prosperity and #progress, because of course it sounds better than #robbery and #slavery. But the cornerstones of #neocapitalism are destruction, exploitation and oppression. Self-deception, that is, talking up one's misdeeds, is a necessary side effect.
#Neocapitalism #slavery #robbery #progress #prosperity
This penetrating drivel about #democracy is enervating. It is a mirage that is artificially and spasmodically maintained with enormous effort.
We live in an economic dictatorship called #neocapitalism, which only cares about total exploitation and maximum #profit. Life as such is irrelevant for this system and therefore worthless.
#profit #Neocapitalism #democracy
I always find it cute when organizations keep making ineffective demands.
I do too: I demand the abolition of #greed for profit and #neocapitalism !!! Immediately! Yes indeed!
Discarded and defamed
With lies #politics discredits people and masquerades as a shield of the bloodsucker #neocapitalism.
[New on the blog]
The merciless #neocapitalism, which #politics in #Europe and #USA lies at the feet of, is driving more and more people into the hands of right-wing national populists. Everything about it is fatal.
#usa #europe #Politics #Neocapitalism
Anyone who challenges the system according to its rules can only lose. It's too powerful for that. That's why #LastGeneration only creates own goals. Their anger is understandable, but increasing aggressiveness turns #neocapitalism into an advantage. That's counterproductive.
#Neocapitalism #LastGeneration
Not only does #politics not understand that their sacred #neocapitalism is becoming unstable, which has fatal consequences, but they keep hitting it themselves and pouring oil on the fire.
Their oath to protect people is a farce. Outright prank.
In the last 20 years, the #greed of exploitative #neocapitalism had to be kept artificially alive with hundreds of billions of taxpayers' money.
It is fraud of the people who pay the bill for it. Basically, it is theft, because they receive no added value.
#Neocapitalism divides societies, increases aggression, promotes #poverty and feeds #fascism.
All expressions of #stupidity. Intelligence is just a mantra to sugarcoat it.
#stupidity #fascism #poverty #Neocapitalism
In #neocapitalism, wealth tax is nonsense. Taking it from the rich, passing it through several hands - according to the motto: everyone may touch it - and then giving it back to them is a useless waste of time and only postpones causal problems into the future.
#TrickleDown contradicts neoliberal #greed. If it worked, poverty would not increase and would not affect even supposedly "safe" income strata in the meantime. This system is total junk and should be disposed of.
#greed #trickledown #Neocapitalism
The #value of a good is determined by the labor required in the manufacturing process. Through automation, digitization and successive labor cost reductions, the value should decrease. Paradoxically, however, it is constantly rising. Right now even rapidly.
In #neocapitalism, labor is no longer decisive. Value is dictated by #greed.
Without #system change, we lose our #life - and the planet with it, as is obvious by now.
#life #system #greed #Neocapitalism #value
Parasitic #neocapitalism has long since ignited small fires worldwide. Invisible, like a bog fire, they smolder only selectively and are therefore underestimated. But if they meet with solid food or are deliberately conjured up, then we are all threatened with an inferno of unparalleled proportions.
#Trump is one example of the greatest danger.